Chapter 7

The school hallway was empty as the fourth period just started, with the windows wide open the chill wind entered the hallways making it cool as always.

Xemi casually walked down the hallway, going back to her class after going to the washroom. With doors of other classes open, everytime she passed a classroom she'd take a peek to see what class they're taking.

A slightly tanned skined boy with white hair and glasses walked passed Xemi, she glanced over her shoulders but didn't get to see his face clearly but he looked familiar, was it Seto?


A guy with his brunette hair pushed back walked towards Kiki and Ares who were outside, behind the school building sitting on the thick grass

"Yo Kiki, Ares, what ya two doing here?" The brunette asked, hands crossed over his chest, his smile showing his sharp tooth in the right, towering the two as he stood while the two sat.

Kiki turned his head up to look at him, "Yooo bro."

"Yo." Ares says as he takes a sip of the coffee milkshake he bought right when the lunch started. "What're you doing here, Azlan. Weren't you in the principal's office just a few seconds ago?"

Azlan, the brunette, scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, yes I was Sir Ares, and the reason I'm here is so to find where Seto is" He paused, thinking what to add because his answer felt too short, "He was in the nurse office but left after he was treated so now I don't know where he is."

"Oh Seto? He's in the rooftop with Ivan and Ase, they said they'd come down in a while." Kiki replied to Azlan, lowering his hands as he sees Xemi, with Vera, in a distance. "Oh damn, I need to go talk with the cat."

Azlan looks over his shoulders "Sure, you can go, goodluck." Azlan smirks as he stepped aside for Kiki to go.

"There he goes, what a simp." Ares mumbled, loud enough so Azlan could hear him, it wasn't a secret though, everyone knew how big of a simp Kiki was when it comes to Xemi.

"Since we're left alone, wanna go annoy the student council? I'm sure it'll get in their nerves when they realise they're not the best ones, afterall, they're not that good compared to last years members." Shrugged Azlan, his smirk getting replaced with a smile.

Ares stands up and dusted his pants, "Real. It's not that fun now that the student council members has been replaced with worse ones."

The two looked around the school like hunting dogs, hoping to find at least one member of the student council to annoy or just bully them, but did not find any which as they had their own work to do.

"I was walking past the juniors building to look for my shoe which flew when I kicked the air, and when I finally found it and put it on, a third grader ran up to me with a bouquet of dried up leaves and crushed flowers..."

Xemi wanting to hear the rest of the story, she asked Vera to continue. "And than?"

"... He... he said 'I really like you big sis..!' aghhaaahh... AND you know what that kid said after that?!"

"... Did he..."

"Yes... He asked ME to be his girlfriend... Like, I don't wanna be asked out by children! I wanna be asked out by boys MY age!" Vera sobbed, as yet another kid asked her out, and got rejected by her.

"It's alright Veraaa! Children can't lie right? so obviously theres a reason for them to like you!" dropping a few sweat, Xemi tried to cheer Vera up. But when Vera saw a glimpse of Kiki coming towards them, she ran away in a dramatic way like the drama queen she is.

With Kiki now standing besides Xemi, towering her, he asked. "Why'd she run away?"

"I think she got too sad because another kid asked her out." Xemi sighed as she scratched her head.

"Another one? Is this the um... second time?"

"Second time this year, counting all the past years, she's been asked out by seven children in total, and a creepy old man." With Vera out of sight now, Xemi glanced at Kiki before walking away from him, back inside the school building but didn't say a word until entering. "Oh, Kiki, did you see my clip anywhere?"

"Clip? you mean your pizza clip? Or the burger one" Questioned Kiki, tilting his head slightly to the right with his hand on his hip.

"The burger clip, I had it just until recess, I don't know where it went..." putting her thumb on her chin, she mumbled "I think I lost it, but his could I lose it I'm sure it was secured in my Hijab. This is the first time this year I lost one of my clips—"

She continued to mumble, asking herself question and even answering some meanwhile Kiki just enjoyed listening to her talk to herself ignoring that he's even there, he liked it for some reason.

"Maybe you dropped it when you were walking down or up the stairs, the washroom or even when walking down the hallway?"

"Yeah! maybe, I only checked in my desk and in the classroom"

"So, should we go look for it? having someone helping you is better than being alone, right? Xemii?" Kiki lowered his hand, blinking, waiting for Xemi to answer.

"Yea, you're not wrong, than her movingggg, you check the hallways I'm checking the washroom, you go check the hallways and while doing that check the stairs too"

Kiki nodded at the instructions given to him by Xemi, now running to the stairs, he smiled at her turning back and going for the hallways. "If anyone stole that burger clip of Xemi's... I'm hunting them down..." Kiki quietly laughed to himself as he covered his mouth.

"I'm sure... Xemi will praise of even compliment me for finding it for her... but what if I don't find it? It'll be a disappointment." He thought as he lowered his hand, not covering his mouth anymore he began walking faster looking left and right for the clip but didn't find it on the ground floor.

He walked up the stairs to the next floor, the first floor, did not find anything, he walked another floor, did not find it, even the stairs were empty, was he searching for it hard enough? Another floor he went up, he found other things like keychains, money, and even a love letter, he did take the letter to show it to Xemi, but, again, the burger clip wasn't in that floor too. Not finding the clip anywhere, he walked back down, disappointed and told Xemi about not being successful in finding her clip.