Chapter 15 The Grand Wedding

Starry Sky Hotel!

This is the only ultra-five-star luxury hotel in East Sea City.

It's said that the boss behind the curtains is a big shot with no small reputation.

The banquets held here are mostly attended by East Sea City's richest and noblest.

Even the Liu Family, in order to host this wedding, had suffered a great loss of vitality.

But they indeed earned plenty of face from it.

Today, Starry Sky Hotel was festooned with lights and decorations, exuding a joyful and bustling atmosphere.

Many prominent guests were coming and going in and out of the hotel.

Although the Liu Family was a third-rate clan, they still had a notable presence in East Sea City.

So the guests coming and going were quite numerous.

Members of the Liu Family gathered at the hotel reception, calling friends and acquaintances.

Everybody was in high spirits.

Meanwhile, in the hall where Ye Feng and Liu Yanran were having their wedding, on the other side, the Dragon Flight Corporation was also holding a banquet.

The enchanting and bewitching Yan Ruyu, dressed in a red gown, personally greeted people.

"Haha, the Liu Family really knows how to pick a place, they're actually sharing a banquet hall with Dragon Flight Corporation!"

"I wonder what Dragon Flight Corporation is up to today? Why would they be hosting a grand banquet?"

"I'm not sure, but according to rumors, it seems to be a welcome party for the newly appointed CEO!"

"A welcome party for the new CEO of Dragon Flight Corporation? Won't that mean the Liu Family's newlyweds are going to be completely overshadowed?"

In the banquet hall, some groups of people were gathered together, discussing something with each other.

Liu Yuan and Fang Ling sat at the main table with gloomy expressions.

Today was their daughter's wedding day, yet there was not a hint of joy on their faces.

Especially after hearing what those people said, Fang Ling's still-charming face was overcast with gloom.

"Mother-in-law, on this happy day, why such a morose expression?"

Ye Feng seemed to have noticed something and looked towards Fang Ling.

Fang Ling, annoyed by his question, responded coldly, "Hmph, how can I not be upset? Didn't you hear what they just said? Today, our Liu Family's spotlight has been completely stolen by Dragon Flight Corporation!"

It was indeed ironic, the very day Ye Feng and Liu Yanran got married was also the day of the welcome party for the new CEO of Dragon Flight Corporation.

Logically, with Dragon Flight Corporation's status, they would never share a banquet hall with someone else for their welcome party.

But for some reason this time, Dragon Flight Corporation ended up sharing the banquet hall with the Liu Family.

Fang Ling glanced at the guests in the hall and saw that everyone's attention was focused on Dragon Flight Corporation's side, which made her even angrier.

"Hmph, Ye Feng, if you had any capability at all, how could you let my Liu Family be humiliated like this? If you were a scion of a top-tier family, would Dragon Flight Corporation even have the gall to go against us?"

Fang Ling clearly misunderstood the intention behind Dragon Flight Corporation's decision to have their CEO welcome party here.

According to what Yan Ruyu had said, she would personally take the stage later to give a speech for Ye Feng and Liu Yanran, and at the same time, she would announce Ye Feng's real identity.

Without doubt, the whole East Sea City would be shocked to learn that the Liu Family's son-in-law was the newly appointed CEO of Dragon Flight Corporation.

Liu Yanran frowned unhappily and said, "Mom, why are you always like this? I won't allow you to talk about Ye Feng that way, he's my husband!"

Liu Yanran, dressed in a white wedding gown and already known as one of the great beauties of East Sea City, looked even more stunningly beautiful in her bridal attire.

Ye Feng, seeing the peerless beauty in front of him speak up for him, felt unspeakably happy.

As for Fang Ling's words, he didn't take them to heart at all.

How could the status of an heir from a first-rate family even compare to his own?

Ignoring Fang Ling, Ye Feng held Liu Yanran's hand and said to her, "Wife, how about I give you a surprise later?"

"A surprise? What kind of surprise?"

Liu Yanran was curious, not knowing what kind of surprise Ye Feng had in store for her.

"Hehe, you'll find out soon enough, let's keep it a secret for now!"

"Why all this mystery!"

Liu Yanran murmured softly.

Ye Feng did not elaborate further and made up an excuse to temporarily leave the banquet hall.

At the same time, Yan Ruyu, who was busily moving about in the banquet hall, also discreetly left.

A few minutes later, she arrived at a luxurious private room.

And sitting in the room was none other than Ye Feng.

"Ru Yu pays her respects to Young Master Ye!"

In front of others, Yan Ruyu might be as proud as a swan, but in front of Ye Feng, she was exceptionally respectful.

"Ru Yu, how many times have I told you, stop calling me Young Master Ye, just call me Xiao Feng! Or Brother is fine too!"

Yan Ruyu was a trusted follower of his master, and Ye Feng didn't regard her as an outsider.

Yan Ruyu smiled, a soul-stirring, flirtatious smile.

"Brother, I've already arranged everything as planned, later we will definitely give the Liu Family their time to shine in front of everyone in East Sea City."

The CEO of Dragon Flight Corporation turning out to be the Liu Family's impressive son-in-law—once this news broke out, it would likely cause quite a stir throughout East Sea City.

From now on, the Liu Family would surely rise to the top, becoming the ceiling in the hierarchy of East Sea's aristocracy.

"Great! Ru Yu, you've worked hard these past few days!"

"Heehee... Brother, what are you saying? I'm just doing what I should."

"Hmm, Ru Yu, how's the group been doing lately?"

Since his appointment as president, Ye Feng had not been involved in the affairs of the group.

All matters, big and small, were handled solely by Yan Ruyu.

As the president in name, he felt it was necessary to show some concern.

Otherwise, if he let the group go under, his master would likely flay him alive.

"Don't worry, everything with the group is normal!"

"Okay, that's good! If there's nothing else, I'm going to head to the banquet hall—the wedding is about to begin."

While countless people were busy with the preparations for Ye Feng and Liu Yanran's wedding, in a luxurious Villa in East Sea City,

Wang Gang respectfully presented a glittering bank card to a tall and upright middle-aged man!

"Uncle Zhang, this is a small token of my appreciation, please accept it with a smile!"

Zhang Biao looked at the bank card in Wang Gang's hand and a faint smile appeared on his resolute face.

"Haha... You're too polite, my boy!"

Although Zhang Biao said this, he quickly pocketed the bank card as if lightning had struck.

"Rest assured, with the relationship I have with your father, I'll help you with the wedding heist!"

Having received the answer he wanted, Wang Gang's smile stretched almost to his ears.

He knew Zhang Biao's identity better than anyone!

Zhang Biao was one of the close personal guards of the old Vermilion Bird War God.

Although the Vermilion Bird War God had retired due to severe injuries, his authority remained intact!

Being his guard, Zhang Biao too held great sway.

In terms of status, even the vice president of Dragon Soar Group, Yan Ruyu, had to show him some courtesy.

With the support of such a powerful figure, Wang Gang couldn't wait to rush to the Starry Sky Hotel to snatch the bride.

"Uncle Zhang, it's getting late, we should set off for the hotel now!"

Wang Gang said to Zhang Biao after checking the time.

"Haha... Good! I'll contact five hundred warriors for you. We must snatch Liu Yanran today no matter what!"

"Thank you, Uncle Zhang!"

Wang Gang clasped his hands together and bowed deeply to Zhang Biao.

Meanwhile, he sneered disdainfully in his heart, "Hmph, Ye Feng, the woman I've set my sights on, I'll snatch her even if I have to fight for her! Just you wait and see!"


Elsewhere, at Mount Kunlun!

The Vermilion Bird, clad in battle attire, stood with arms crossed atop a steep peak.

The biting cold wind at the summit made her war cloak flutter, accentuating the provocatively graceful and delicate figure beneath it.

Her bare, unmade-up cheeks glowed with a proud demeanor.

Her gaze spanned the horizon, all around was peaceful.

After months of grueling combat, she had finally annihilated all enemy forces.

From now on, no battles would plague Mount Kunlun!

"Report to War God, all enemy forces have been eradicated. What are our next steps, please command, War God!"

A warrior knelt on one knee, fist to palm, gazing toward the svelte silhouette of Vermilion Bird.

In his eyes, there was adoration as well as fondness!

The Vermilion Bird War God was the dream lover of all warriors.

Upon hearing her subordinate's words, Vermilion Bird didn't turn around; instead, she took out a lipstick from her bosom and drew herself a pair of fiery red lips.

Then her vermilion lips parted slightly as she asked, "What news do we have from East Sea City?"

"Reporting to War God, according to our scout's information, today the Young Miss of the Liu Family, Liu Yanran, will hold her wedding with Ye... 'Ye God' at East Sea City's Starry Sky Hotel!"

"Ye God" was the nickname Vermilion Bird had given Ye Feng, and she had instructed her subordinates to refer to him as such.

When the warrior mentioned "Ye God," a clear look of jealousy crossed his face.

The reason was simply that Vermilion Bird had a special affection for "Ye God."

Vermilion Bird's gaze flickered slightly, then she said impassively, "Set out! Our destination is Starry Sky Hotel—I, the War God, am going to snatch the groom!"

The warrior, upon hearing her words, felt a pang in his heart, then bellowed with all his might, "Yes!"


In East Sea City, Starry Sky Hotel.

The wedding of Liu Yanran and Ye Feng was about to start.

Liu Tianba, as the witness for both, was showing a kind and gentle smile, sitting in the center of the stage!

Liu Yanran and Ye Feng stood side by side in front of him.

"Ye Feng, do you take my granddaughter, Liu Yanran, to be your wife?"

Liu Tianba solemnly looked at Ye Feng and asked.

"I, Ye Feng, am willing to take Liu Yanran as my wife!"

Ye Feng replied with measured emphasis.

The delicately made-up Liu Yanran's pretty face instantly blushed with shyness.

At that moment, the doors to the banquet hall were pushed open, and Xiao Tian, clad in a suit, strode in holding a pair of jade Ruyi and announced loudly, "Xiao Tian of Green Dragon Hall presents a pair of Jade Ruyi, wishing Divine Doctor Ye and Miss Liu a harmonious union and early fruition of a noble offspring!"

"What!? The underground emperor of East Sea City, Xiao Tian, has actually come to congratulate the Liu Family. Am I seeing things?"