Chapter 14 The food cooked by the little wretch suits Xiaohan's taste so well!

She had to save her mother, so she would endure!

After bustling about for three hours, she finally prepared dinner for the Jiang Family's elders and juniors.

It included Jiang Yuning, who had miscarried three months ago and specifically requested pigeon soup to nourish her body.

Jiang Ruan had no choice but to keep simmering until the thick soup was ready.

After placing the dinner on the table, Jiang Ruan was so tired that she couldn't even stand up straight.

Steward Li feigned concern, "Second Miss, you've worked hard. Come and rest with me."

This meant she wouldn't even get a bite to eat.

Jiang Ruan walked to the back yard amid the mocking gazes of the female servants; her room was small to begin with and now had been maliciously filled with cleaning tools.

Jiang Ruan's delicate brows furrowed; this place was hardly fit for living.

Not even a dog could tolerate such a damp and filthy environment.

"Who did this?"

Upon hearing this, Steward Li immediately exploded.

"What, you're not happy with it? I'll just tell Madam and Miss that you're disobedient and kick your sick mother out to sleep on the streets!"

Jiang Ruan took a deep breath, pushed open the dark and damp little room, and began to tidy up the messy mops, buckets, and items giving off a musty, fishy smell despite her fatigue.

The only option she had now was to stay at the Jiang Family's house quietly.

Only then did Steward Li leave with a satisfied lift of his head.

When dinner time arrived, Jiang Yuning descended the stairs with her makeup done exquisitely. She had painted her lips a bewitching red and was fiddling with her phone.

Her face radiated joy, "Mom, Brother Xiaohan is coming for dinner! He must be coming to discuss our marriage!"

Mrs. Jiang nodded with a look of indulgent affection.

Seeing her beloved daughter so happy... it made all the scheming worthwhile!

Only, Jiang Ruan staying was like a ticking time bomb; they had to find a way to make her disappear completely after she had given birth!

The family awaited joyfully, even Patriarch Jiang came home from work for the occasion.

Zhan Xiaohan's status was not to be taken lightly!

Finally, Zhan Xiaohan arrived right on time at the Jiang Family's doorstep.

He wore a slim and sharp suit that outlined the golden ratio of a man's figure, a handsome face that would captivate any woman's heart.

Jiang Yuning approached tenderly and coquettishly, hooking her arm with Zhan Xiaohan's, "Brother Xiaohan, you're here. I've just gotten pregnant, and the baby has been quite restless, causing me to throw up everything I eat."

Zhan Xiaohan's gaze swept affectionately over Jiang Yuning's abdomen before settling on her gorgeously made-up face.

That face gave him a strange feeling, inadvertently reminding him of the girl who had writhed beneath him...

He suppressed his displeasure, "Next time, don't wear high heels. It's not good for the baby."

Her words trailing off, Jiang Yuning's face turned pale.

How could she have forgotten about that!

Zhan Xiaohan looked at her aggrieved expression and remembered how his grandmother had manipulated him, robbing the girl of her innocence, and his heart softened a bit.

"Yuning, you've suffered. Tell me what compensation you need."

Jiang Yuning hid her greedy eyes, her heart racing with smug delight, and she leaned into her non-existent belly even more, "Brother Xiaohan, I just want to marry you soon..."

There were still ten days until the wedding... that was a bit too long!

Jiang Yuning deliberately touched her stomach and conspicuously displayed her toe ring, which made Zhan Xiaohan's eyes narrow dangerously!

He suddenly grabbed Jiang Yuning's finger, his gentle eyes now fierce.

"I remember when I put the ring on your finger, it fit perfectly."

Yet, Jiang Yuning's finger was somewhat fleshy, obviously a size larger than the toe ring!

Jiang Yuning's mind thundered, her entire body trembling.

Mrs. Jiang dashed forward with the speed of an arrow and hugged Jiang Yuning close, "Young Master Zhan, who doesn't gain weight during pregnancy? Even if Yuning doesn't need the nutrition, the fetus in her belly does. Her fingers will slim down after giving birth."

Mrs. Jiang, afraid that Zhan Xiaohan might have further doubts, stealthily pinched Jiang Yuning, causing her to immediately shed tears.

"Brother Xiaohan, even you doubt me... I might as well be dead..."

Jiang Yuning's weeping posture, her head hung low, was identical to when he had taken her.

Fragile as if she were a flower.

Zhan Xiaohan pursed his lips, "It was my oversight, don't cry."

Jiang Yuning forced a cutesy act, and her face quickly brightened with a smile, pulling Zhan Xiaohan towards the dining table.

"Brother Xiaohan, I've prepared a table full of dishes just for you, including the pigeon soup that I stewed for three hours. I hope you won't find it unpalatable!"

Zhan Xiaohan sat down and took a serious sip of the pigeon soup.

The food was nutritious and delicious, and the presentation was very appealing.

A girl who could prepare dishes with such an appearance must be virtuous and good at housekeeping.

Grandmother's choice was not wrong, Zhan Xiaohan's gaze softened quite a bit.

"Mmm, it tastes very good."

Jiang Yuning blushed with a shy smile, "If you like it, I'll make it for you in the future."

"Cough, cough!"

Mrs. Jiang knew her daughter couldn't keep calm; Yuning's hands never touched spring water, how would she cook!

Wasn't this digging her own grave!

Upon hearing her mother's warning, Jiang Yuning inside cursed her slip of the tongue!

Now, filled with regret, she worried if this despicable girl's cooking happened to suit Zhan Xiaohan's tastes, it would be terrible if they were found out for this in the future...

With her mind in disarray, Jiang Yuning suddenly heard the man say, "Doesn't the Jiang Family have an adopted daughter? Why haven't I seen her come for dinner?"