Tale Of The Mysterious Scion And The Sect Academy

It's not as if Sifeng is against the idea of running away and get out of the Sect, but he doubted that they would succeed, he had seen many strange things during the last few days he had spent in this world so he knew there's no way they can escape. Of course, Kim also knew that it's impossible but she's just desperate.

Sifeng is more interested in what would happen if he was taken by the sect, it seems that's Kim fear, she don't want him to be taken away. Although, Sifeng don't like the fact that he'll get punished for deciding to fight back, but he don't think he can go with Kim's plan of running away because that might very well lead to his death, and he's not ready to die any time soon, not even in this world, he would find his way out of here and return to his world.

That's why he's more interested in the type of punishment he'll by given by the sect, the worst they can do is to kill him which he knew they can't do for such trivial matter.

'Well, the people that can wage war on such trivial matter and end many innocent lives can really kill me without sympathy.'

But he still can't believe the sect will do that, the body he's occupying belongs to the scion of a clan so he doubted that he would get killed like a rat, they can't give him more than some inhuman punishment and he himself have served countless punishment in his life before coming here, but to be on the cautious side, he wanted to know the type of punishment he'll be issued so he can make a decision.

Kim move closer to him and begin her talk.

"You still don't understand Sifeng, the sect cannot kill you but what you'll face there might want you want to commit a suicide.

Let me explain, there's something called Sect Academy, this Academy is different from the normal schools that we attend and the warriors academy that our brothers graduated from. The Sect Academy is not really like normal school, it's a training center in the Sect Citadel and the disciples are being watched and trained by the sect elders themselves, the most powerful people in this world."

"How does that answer my question."

Sifeng interrupted her.

"Just let me land first. These disciples are trained to be the set of greatest warriors in this world, they're sent into different mission in other Sect on behalf of the Venom Sect, and they even get to participate in the Sect tournament held among the six Sects.

Every clan leader always wanted their children to attend this academy so they could be among the greatest in this world, but after the first set of people that got enrolled into this academy never return even after a couple decades of years, and the sect failed to mention a thing about them, everyone got suspicious, until a scion of one the strongest clan in Venom Sect return after spending close to a decade years in the Sect Academy.

He looks different when he came back, everything about him have change and everything that makes him human have been erased, he lacks human emotion. He entered the Academy as a Cub and came back a ten years later as a Monarch and when he came back, the first thing he did was to eliminate all the elders of his clan, including the leader, his father. About 13 elders in total with his father making it 14, they're all at the same rank as him, the Monarch rank, and he eliminated every one of them in a bloody coup before taking over the clan.

Can you imagine that.

After a year of his reign of being the leader of his clan, he called every scholars in his clan and his town, then he explained everything that happened to him in the Sect Academy and every other disciples in the Academy, he told them everything in details and asked them to publish it to the world."

Sifeng listen with keen interest, he wasn't interested in the story before but at the mention of the mysterious scion who returned when everyone failed to do, his interest grew.

Kim continue, staring into the air like a grandma telling their grandchildren their life story.

"Before I tell you what was published to the world, I'll let you know that the man is currently on the run, he's been chased down by the sect for spreading what's going on in the Academy and his clan have ceased to exist."

"We read from the story that once you get enrolled to the academy, you won't get to live as a normal human anymore, all you think and do everyday is fight and kill, not just killing deadly beast, demons and devils but they also kill each other, they kill each other while training and the elders even get them to kill the weak among them, imagine you were asked to kill someone you've been together from childhood because he failed to do something.

Although, there's the fact that they got to participate in Sects tournament every five years, this tournament is held among all the six Sects to determine the Sect that will rule others for the next five years, although the six Sects are at each others neck there's always a Sect that rule others to maintain order and unwanted outbreak of war, they also settle disputes and Venom Sect is currently the ruling Sect as they won the current tournament a few months ago, they have been the ruling Sect for the past 30 or so years and the man also had one win for them 40 years ago before his escape."

"Apart from participating in the tournament, they have nothing interesting to do than to kill beast, demons and devils all around the Sect and also sent to a mission, a mission that only the strong returns. This man have escaped during a mission after all his 5 comrades have been killed by a Behemoth Beast in an evil forest, he was only at the rank of a Warrior back then with the rest of his comrades, he managed to escape the encounter of the Behemoth beast with his skills and then wandered around the forest trying to find his way out. He spent a total of 2 years in the forest before finding his way out but he had somehow gotten to the rank of a Monarch before escaping the forest into the town.

He came back to the town but he couldn't live with the blood of other disciples he killed with his own hand as he sees their family almost everyday after his return, then he wage war against those who has sent him there, his father and his clan elders, he killed everyone of them before taking over the position, the sect thought he had died with the rest of his comrades until he published his experience for the world that the sect decided to hunt him down. This man is not among the first set of people who have enrolled for the Academy, nor is he among the second or third, not even fourth or fifth set, he was was forcefully sent there by his father and the elders because he's a troublesome kid and cause alot of trouble for his clan.

The sect don't take people with force, people volunteer to get enroll into the Academy but after the return of this man and sharing his experience to the world, there's no volunteer again and the sect didn't complain, they didn't even take people forcefully, the only request they made is for the citizens to send their troublesome kids over, or a child they've decided to disown and also if someone was report for threatening a scion of any clan, the person will be taken to the Sect Academy which has been your own case."

Kim ended her story and took a deep breath, then stare at Sifeng into his eyes.

"But you can still avoid it, you can avoid the Sect Academy, if you run away and the sect fail to find you, they will back down after searching everywhere and also confirmed that dad didn't know about your escape, the sect will back down and do nothing. That's when the Xianxu clan will decide to wage war which will surely be out of our concern after running away. I can't let you go to the Academy, I won't even be able to protect you again."

She said with tears rolling down her eyes.

Sifeng sighed, then stood and turn to his sister with a smile.

"You said that mysterious scion is the only one who have ever escape the Academy, right?"

Kim nodded.

"Well, that simply means it's not totally hell, since someone have managed to escape, there's a chance that another person can escape, it means I can't be stuck up there forever."

Kim rise to her feet immediately and stare at him, locking her eyes into his'.

"What do you say, you're willing to go to the Sect Academy, Sifeng are you crazy or something?... Look, I understand that you're doing some training trying to improve yourself but you're still weak, you're a weakling...I mean, the fact that you defeated Yeong and his friends might made you think you're getting stronger but you just evolved to a Cub days ago and I'm sure a Cub in the Academy will kill you with just a punch, how are you meant to survive. You can't even use the basic spell which will very well make you regret your decision."

Kim complain but Sifeng just keep smiling.

"You said a Cub from the Academy will kill me with a punch, well I want to be like that Cub and be stronger than them so I can fight for myself and protect you."

Kim had explained to him last night that he had breakthrough to the rank of a Cub and even told him about other rank and their powers.

"Listen Kim, I know you care for me so well, more than I care for myself but you can't be there to protect me always, even if we run away now, you can't babysit me all the time, so the best and the only thing you can do for me is to put me through a full training before the end of the week and also teach me some of the basic spell that will increase my chance in the Academy."