A Savior At The Last Moment

Sifeng could feel his bone crushing and his Internal organs screaming in pain as he was sent flying into the forest with multiple large fist, an incredible litres of blood escape his mouth and his hand started feeling numb. His sword fell straight into the forest before he even landed as his grip couldn't handle the weight of the sword anymore.

Sifeng let out a deafening scream as his already crushed bone hits the thick branches, piercing his skin from all sides. He didn't even get to land softly on the group as he was strapped to a large tree with several of its branches piercing his skin.

'Now I know I wasn't meant to see another day.'

Suffering from the unimaginable pain of getting his bone crushed and countless branches of tree piercing his skin, Sifeng wanted to remain in the same position and pretend he's dead for several hours, or just remain in the same position for some minutes hoping that he get transported out of here the same way he came.