It was the morning Yuki had to go with Kato to the astronomy camp in Gunma, and while usually, at that time, all the children there would've still been on their bed, things were different there. Some of them gathered in front of Yuki's room, staring at their Obaasan fussing around their big brother over everything.
"Have you checked the requirements? Your study report, student ID, and the registration form?"
"I have, and it is on the map."
"Four sets of clothes?"
"Is it necessary? It is summer, you know?"
"Yes, Dear, it is. The night there will be a nightmare without a blanket."
"Snacks and foods to spend on the road?"
"In the plastic bag."
"Your shower essentials? Shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, and toothbrush?"
"Already inside the bag."