Tsukiji High VS Keihin High!

"So, this is the mighty Tsukiji High, huh?! One of the Keihin players exclaimed in wonder at the crazy atmosphere inside the gymnasium. "They sure deserve their reputation. After all, what kind of school can gather about 500 people in the same building on a weekday like this?"

Even though he tried to sound nonchalant, if anyone noticed the sweat rolling on his arms, they would know the player was nervous. It couldn't be helped, though. For all of them, this was their first time playing under such a crowd, and being on the opposite side sure didn't help at all. The thought of being booed by this many people was enough to make their stomach fall.

"Well, at least there is one player who is excited here." One of them glanced wryly at a tall, combed-haired boy who was eyeing the opponent's eyes hungrily.