The Definition of Ace

"Oh! Lucas! It is him again!"

"He is such a beast!"

"He is not the best player in the country without a reason, you know?!"

"Come on, Lucas!"

After landing on the floor, Lucas just spread his arms widely, mimicking the Christ the Redeemer statue in his hometown. By the smile spread on his face, it was clear that he enjoyed every second of this, getting basked under praises like he was some sort of messiah. He didn't even feel the weight of his teammates who jumped onto him, just standing still in the middle of the limelight.

"Damn, he is so badass." Ogawa couldn't help but praise the Brazilian boy for his flair celebration. "I really want to try something like that in the future."

"Well, if you really want to do something so big like that, make sure you can do half of what he just did earlier, okay?" Akira smiled innocently, which also silenced Ogawa and all the players who had a similar thought.