I wanted to go to Amelia but I felt like enough time had not passed yet. She hadn’t reached out and I thought she would do so at her own pace and when she felt ready. I made sure to send her flowers every morning but I never got a response back as to whether or not she got them. As I stared at her name on my screen, I had to fight the urge to click dial.

A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked up just as Caleb walked in. Our friendship had taken a hit since what happened and I couldn’t blame him. I had hurt someone he loved and it was unforgiveable. If he was in my shoes, I wasn’t sure I would be able to forgive him either.

“The guards are back in formation and the border is clear, although there have been some suspicious rogue sightings,” he rattled off the news as if he was reading it off a piece of paper. “I have asked the guards to keep an eye out and I will let you know if anything changes.”

“Thank you, Caleb.”