Blake hadn’t touched me again since that day but I couldn’t shake the guilt that I felt. I knew why I had done it but that didn’t seem like enough of a justification to me. I had kissed another man, I had let him kiss my skin and even though an entire day had passed and I had scrubbed my skin so hard it turned red, I still felt very dirty.

Blake had been whistling around the house since yesterday. I could tell that he was happy with himself. I was starting to wear him down and he was starting to believe that I truly loved him but I still hadn’t won him over enough to make him believe that he could let me out. I hadn’t asked yet and I wasn’t going to so I didn’t rouse much suspicion.

“Aren’t you hungry?” he asked snapping me out of my thoughts. He was sitting on the table next to me. “You haven’t even touched your food. If you want something else-”