Chapter 3

Harper's POV

Annie was a delightful young Omega who was assigned to be my maid. Not that I really needed a maid,mind you, but I was happy to have her as a companion.

Her smile was too wide for her little face, her nose turned up, and her dark blond hair was an uncontrollable riot of curls. Her blue eyes danced with good humor, and she just seemed like the kind of person that was genuinely happy right down to the core of her being. I loved her right away. She helped me unpack my few things, and then we sat together on the bed and we talked for a few minutes.

"What is life like in the pack?"I asked her.

She smiled, "Oh its a good life," She said sincerely."The Alpha runs a tight ship, we work hard, we train hard, but its a very fair pack, and we have a lot of fun too. We can't wait for your marriage celebration. I hear the Luna is planning a big party, and the whole pack will be invited. I love parties and I love baby! Even if I have to work in the kitchen, we are allowed to take shifts so we all get to have a turn taking part in the festivities."

I smiled. I already liked the way the Luna ran her household. In some packs, omegas were treated like slaves. I think at home we treated them fairly. They were paid wages for the work they did, but Daddy didn't exactly go out of his way to make them feel like they were valued members of our family. They were definitely looked down upon, and that had never really sat well with me. Not every member of the pack could be a warrior,and the omega's performed really valuable services by taking care of the children and providing domestic services that the hunters simply didn't have time for.

"And what what about Wyatt. What is he like?"

For the first time, Annie's perpetual smile faltered. She pasted it back on, but it wasn't quite as real as it had been before. "Oh he's very handsome." She said. "He's so tall, like the Alpha, but not so burly."

"Okay, he's nice to look at, but what is he LIKE? What is his personality like."

Annie pushed herself off the bed. "I think its better if you get to know him for yourself, mistress. I don't want your impressions of him to be influenced by my opinions. I need to go see about preparing the food. If you need anything just call me." And she slipped away, quietly shutting the door behind her.

Oh boy. I stared at my hands, at the short trimmed nails that hadn't seen a polish since my thirteenth birthday. All the things that Annie HADN'T said spoke more loudly than the words she DID say. If Wyatt was truly a great guy,she would have been eager to extol his virtues,right?

She would have said,"He's really kind. He's really gentle. He's really just." But she didn't say anything. I suppose it was commendable that she chose silence over lies,but I was growing increasingly uneasy.

The Luna called him "difficult", and my new friend wouldn't call him anything,except handsome. But it wouldn't matter if he was the most handsome man in the world if he was a complete asshole.

I felt a little nervous going down to dinner, knowing that I would meet my husband-to-be. I tried to pick out a pretty outfit, without being overtly over dressed. I brushed out my hair and left it loose,as the long chocolate colored waves were maybe one of my best assets.l even tried to put on a little make up, just to add some definition to my eyes. I sighed at my reflection, dissatisfied but knowing that it was the best I could do.

I grimaced at the prospect of going down all those stairs, and reminded myself that I needed to ask Annie if there was a service elevator in the house. The way how it was all decked out with modern appliances, it seemed like it must have a lift hidden somewhere. But then again,they probably hadn't figured in the possibility of a pregnant werewolf when they designed the manor.

I can't describe to you what an ordeal it is for me to navigate a set of stairs.I have to creep down one step at a time.

Left foot down, right foot down onto the same stair. And then repeat. If I try to march down the steps like a normal person, alternating feet on alternating stairs, I'll take an ugly tumble down.

So I have to go down the stairs like a little kid, clinging to the rail, one step at a time, praying that no one is watching me. Luckily I seem to be the only guest on the third floor at the moment, and I'm nearly at the bottom before I start seeing other people scurrying around in preparation for dinner.

Annie came around the corner,her face split in a smile, and her eyes lighting up as she saw me,"Ah there you are mistress! Luna had just sent me to go fetch you. The meal is nearly ready. You look very nice, I love that top."

She bubbled cheerfully,and took my elbow to guide me back toward the dining room. Unlike this morning,when the room had been empty, this evening it was crammed full. I swallowed nervously and did my best to straighten my spine and walk normally. From every table, heads turned and looked at me, and people whispered, and I felt the blood rush to my face. I'm not normally shy, but I can't say that I really like being the center of attention either.

"Harper darling,over here!" The Luna stood, and gestured to an empty seat at what appeared to be the Alpha's table. Annie patted me on the shoulder and went back to the kitchen, while I made my way to the Luna. I reminded myself that from now on, this was my family, and these were my people. I sat in the empty seat, and looked around,but I still didn't see anyone "tall and handsome" that should be Wyatt.

There was a slim and slight black man sitting opposite the Alpha, and next to the black man,a pretty and slightly plump white woman.

"Our Beta,Mac,and his wife, Moira."the Luna made the introductions. The beta gave me a look. It was not a nice look. Somehow I imagined it was the look a spectator would give a condemned prisoner. His wife Moira gave me a small, friendly smile,and offered her hand. "Welcome to the family, dear." she said. She had a beautiful,lilting voice.

The waitstaff started going around the room serving the food. "Its Italian night," the Luna explained, as bowls of salads, plates of meat and cheese lasagna,and carving boards of hot sourdough bread where arranged at each table. The food smelled delicious,and the Luna did not hesitate to compliment the kitchen staff on their excellent work.

"Oh Smiths, please come and meet Harper Laurier. Harper, this is Smiths, she is the manager of our kitchen, an absolute geniuIs with food and hospitality." Smiths flushed happily and bobbed in a curtsy.

"Thank you,Luna. Nice to meet you Mistress.Welcome. If you'll excuse me,the dessert..." and he hurried off again.

There was the quiet and content murmur of a room full of people where were eating and enjoying casual conversations...when the door suddenly slammed open, and all conversation ground to an abrupt halt.

Into the now silent hall,two young men entered... and I immediately felt a strange and dizzy sensation over take me. I held my head at the temples and peaked through my hands at what must surely be Wyatt...and his brother Zayn.

Annie was right. He was handsome. He looked like some Roman god,with his shoulders squared, his jaw set, his hair flowing around his shoulders, a little rough stubble on his finely carved jawline. He was all muscle. But his eyes... oh his eyes... even from across the room I could see the unique blue-grey color of his irises, and they were cold. Ice cold and furious. And somehow I just knew that that fury was directed at me. I felt the childish urge to slide down in my chair and hide under the table.

At the same time, I was bombarded by the sweetest and most intoxicating aroma... of what? Was that his aftershave? A cologne? He didn't look like the kind of man who would douse himself in cologne, but he smelled really, really good. Like fragrant cedar and something sweet and musky. While I was on one hand tempted to hide from those cold, angry eyes...

On the other hand I had the insane urge to run to him, to bury my head in his neck,and inhale that sweet, sexy smell. His mouth pressed into a flat,hard line...which totally ruined the effect of his full, sensual lips, as he stalked over to the family table.