Midnight Brawl

Sera flew through the trees and after leaving them behind, she looked around and saw the flying monsters coming for her. They were like huge bats with bloodsucking fangs.

"Watch, how much time do I have left?"

"Angel Monarch! You have 4 minutes and 35 seconds!"

"Great, remind me every 30 seconds!"

With that she increased her speed and went against the first bat creature. The bat tried to grab Sera to give her neck a bloody kiss, but her maneuvering in the air was better than the bat monsters. She dodged another attack, but this time she moved her glaive to the side and cut the beast on its wing. It went down screaming.

Her eyes were getting hazy again but then heard the Watches voice in her head: "4 minutes and 5 seconds!". She shook of the bloodlust and evaded the attack of another bat who tried to sneak upon her.

Sera turned towards it with a swipe of her glaive, but it dodged upward and the attack went wide. She was about to try again but heard a rustle on her left and moved backward, as a claw hit the spot where she was floating. She used her chance and cut off the clawed feet.

"3 minutes and 35 seconds!"

'Shit, I have to hurry.'

Dodging an other attack, she began glowing with light but after a second realized that it's useless.

'Fuck! They're blind, figures.'

Sera slashed with her glaive and an other went down in a rain of blood. Then she immediately evaded a pair of fangs and a set of claws, she was getting surrounded.

"3 minutes and 5 seconds!"

Sera redoubled her efforts and cut the head off of one and with the same slash gutted another. Her flying and glaive usage were improving quite fast. She dodged an attack and used the opening to stab a bat in the head.

"2 minutes and 35 seconds!"

By the time the Watch finished saying it she killed another, but this time failed to dodge in time and a claw grabbed her leg and a pair of fangs were headed for her neck. She punched as hard as she could and the bats head exploded. It released her from its claws and left a couple of cuts on her leg. Sera didn't even notice the blood running down her leg, all her focus was on killing, dodging and holding back the bloodlust.

"2 minutes and 5 seconds"

The number of bats finally began to dwindle, but her concentration didn't break for a second. She dodged an attack in the direction of an other bat and stabbed through its body. Using the dead monster she shielded herself from the front and her wings defended her back as well.

"1 minute and 35 seconds!"

After both beasts attacks went wide, she let the bat fall from her glaive and with the speed boost gained from loosing the excess weight, she diced up the last two monsters.

"1 minute and 5 seconds!"

'Okay, lets get out of here.'

Without thinking much about it she began to rise but her speed didn't seem to increase. Actually, she was slowing down. The higher she flew the bigger the gravitational pull became. At one point she just stopped. It felt like she was trying to lift the whole planet.

"35 seconds!"

"C'mon you motherfucker! LET ME THROUGH DAMN YOU!"

Turns out she just had to ask, because at that moment a breaking sound could be heard and the world fell apart.

Sera had one hell of a headache. Looking around she didn't understand where she was, it was like a cocoon of some kind of liquid. Her whole body was submerged.

"5 seconds!"

Hearing her Watch, realization hit her, she moved with speeds previously unknown to her. Sera punched through the membrane holding her and widened the gap until she fell through it. Sera fell in the grass and instantly started rolling around trying to get the goo of her skin.

"Disintegration starting!"

By the time the Watch said that, most of the goo came off of her, but there was still some which burned those places. She summoned her glaive and without much thought cut the skin of at those places.


'This could've been bad.'

After the usual life and death experience was done, she started checking on herself, for the thousandth time in the past couple of weeks. She gazed down and realized all her clothes, bag and everything was missing.

'Where did all my stuff go? My clothes were probably dissolved in the acid, but the bag and all the things in it wouldn't have. So where was it? Did it fall off of me when I got dragged here? Wait, where is here exactly?'

Sera looked around trying to figure out where she was, but before she could investigate further suddenly a high pitch screeching could be heard. She fell on her knees clutching her head, but in the next second she was already running to the opposite direction.

'That was probably the Dream Weaver. It seems unhappy that I broke her spell.'

While running she scanned her surroundings. She was surrounded by woods everywhere and the worst thing was, that she heard flapping wings coming in her direction. Looking back she saw the bat creatures from her dream.

'This is just fucking amazing! Running trough the woods naked, while getting chased by human-sized bats!'

She ran a few more meters then flew into the sky and turned around, there were 5 bats coming her way.

"Come you bastards, I send you back the hell you crawled out of!"

At this point she couldn't hold on anymore, her eyes turned blood-red and she went berserk. Sera spread her wings and used her transformation ability again.

The bats stopped dead in their tracks, but weren't as frightened as the lizards and in a couple seconds they recovered already. Or at least would've but Sera didn't give them a chance.

Sera went in and cut the head off of one, another went down without its wings, the third was gutted, the fourth was slashed in half from head to crotch and the fifth she killed it like the hound pushed her arm up its stomach reaching its heart and crushing it. 3 seconds, that's all it took to commit a massacre.

"You have killed a Dream Fiend, a Rotten of the 1st Tier! Your Souls is Nourished! You have killed a..." The messages kept playing, but she didn't seem to hear it.

Bathed in blood yet again Sera looked down at the corpses, then turned around and left. Only feeling a little nausea, she was starting to get used to her new lifestyle, no matter how sad that was.