Ambush In The Day

Sun just came up when they left the station. It was a big part of the plan that the attack happens in the day. They based this on the fact that their enemy's name was Night Demon.

Bea walked next to Sera in the front, leading the group. Behind them came the rest of their team except, Lucy who was currently scouting. And behind them marched the 20 soldiers in full kit, ready for battle.

They estimated their arrival to be around noon. Walking through the city no one talked, everyone was watching the surroundings, wary about ambushes.

As they went sometimes a couple of Tainted or even Rotten came and attacked them, but they made quick work of them.

In the end their progression slowed when Lucy told them to change route. But not by much, they arrived at 2 hours past noon.

Everyone took their positions. The regulars split up and went to their posts as well. They were ready for the battle.

'Lets see how we manage.'

Thought Bea and while Lucy went to bait out the demon, Bea went to Sera and gave her a deep kiss for luck.

'Now we only have to wait for Lucy's signal.'

They didn't have to wait long, in 5 minutes she was already hurrying back with a dark shape not far behind her.

As they closed in, the first part of the plan was completed. They had the demon where they wanted him, in the open air. Suddenly high powered shots resounded and hit the beast on its back, where the wings connected to the back

That was Killshot and those shots just used up all his Essence, but it was worth it for the results. There was a huge roar, and in the air the dark red shape was falling fast.

There was something black coming out of its wounds and they began to close, but suddenly stopped.

'Witchdoctor done her job as well it seems.'

With Witchdoctor blocking the regeneration of the demon, its wings won't going to work for a while. And while it was falling, the remaining five of them spread around the zone where it will hit the ground.

On Bea's right stood Will and on her left Lucy. On Lucy's left stood Clockwork in his transformed self and next to him Sera. Right in the middle of their circle, a cloud of dust was settling and a shape was rising from it. The shape roared and all the dust disappeared.

'What an ugly fucking bastard you are.'

The demon was exactly as on the pictures Sera brought back. 5 meter tall, 4 arms with 2 greatswords, 2 unresponsive wings.

The 3rd part of their plan is for Will and Clockwork to take the demons attention. While the other three girls attack and try to kill it.

After Clockwork figured out that his transformation is upgradable, he spent day and night with it. Eventually he managed to cover it in some Rotten creature's hide and fashioned a sword from an other ones bone. Also he put a railgun on it.

As the dust settled they didn't give time for the monster to attack, instead Will using his spear lunged at the creature's abdomen. At the same time Clockwork used his railgun to shoot at the demons head and with his sword stabbed towards the monsters leg.

The Corrupted moved with incredible speed, it moved his head before the round could hit it, then used each of its swords to parry both attacks.

It was about to retaliate when vines moved around its legs stopping it for a split second. And within that split second, a giant eagle slammed into its face taking one of its eyes with her talon. While these attacks went on, a glaive with a of pure white light around it, came crashing down on one of the creatures arms.

The arm fell to the ground. And Sera was flying through the air because the Corrupted slammed into her. But she quickly used her wings and delivered another slash, while Bea took its attention with a swing of her own.

It was going well but the monster suddenly changed tactics. It began ignoring the smaller attacks and focused on single targets. The first one to fall was Clockwork, both greatsword slammed into his chest, the Rotten armor held but he lost consciousness and flew 10 meters through the air.

With Clockwork gone they changed formation, Lucy in the air harassing the beast, while they three are trying to attack when someone else has its attention.

Both swords were heading toward Sera but she dodged back. The demon followed on as if realizing that she is the biggest threat to it. Bea was already using her Essence to enhance her sword's attacks and she went in and cut off one of the monsters wings.

It screamed as it turned around and slammed both swords on the spot where Bea stood, but she used her vines to easily evade it. The follow up attack came but this time with a rhythm change one slash from the left, the other a stab a split second later. Bea went under the slash, but was a fraction of a second too slow and got a cut on her arm.

After that Will stabbed the creature in a leg's joint but it didn't care and used an arm to grab his shield. Using one of the swords it tried to skewer him, but Lucy managed to knock him out of the way and instead of dying he went down with a nasty cut, but alive.

'Shit, this isn't going well! We need to do something!'

Sera must have thought the same thing because her attacks became more ferocious but not because of bloodlust, it was pure skill as she moved between attacks and delivered cut upon cut. Bea went in after Sera and the two of them began taking the beast apart.

Lucy couldn't do much, other than taking Will away from the destruction. And she was helpless when Bea went down with her body cut in half.