Date Night

Bea was very excited about today. With everyone safe and with no imminent needs that has to be taken care of. She and Sera finally found time for themselves.

They decided to have a date night in their own room. They brought a table, two chairs, they even found some candles. For food there won't going to be anything too special, they were still living in a destroyed city after all. The bunker had some luxuries as well, so they even had wine with the dinner.

They didn't really have anything special to wear. A dress is not something you find in a millitary bunker. Bea wore a t-shirt and her tactical clothing's pants. She was seated already waiting for Sera.

'She is late, there must have been a lot to talk about with Faith.'

Bea was losing herself in her thoughts when the door cracked open and a head popped in.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Asked Sera with a grin.

"Me? Nothing just waiting for my date who seems to be at least 10 mintues late." Answered Bea with faked anger.

"Is she? Well, she probably has a good reason, like showering, getting a change of clothing and so on."

"Well, then why won't she come in the room?" Bea smiled as she said it.

When Sera finally stepped into the room the temperature seemed to increase, at least that's how Bea felt. Suddenly her whole body seemed to be too hot, escpecially a region that was wet as well.

"You... you... what are you wearing?"

Sera was wearing her clothing Item. She was basically in a bra and miniskirt. The clothing left little for the imagination, but just enough to make Bea really horny.

"What you don't like it?" Sera said in a deep seductive voice.

"Yes I do... very much actually... but I don't know how I'm lasting through the dinner with you looking like that."

To Bea's dismay Sera even bent forward giving her a clear line of sight to her massive assets.

'Fuck, I want to touch them so much. Okay, calm down... deep breaths... deep breaths.'

"Will you actually sit down, or you just going to stand there bent over." Said Bea with faked calm.

Sera straightened and sat down. "Wow, you actually managed to hold on. I'm impressed!"

Bea trying and failing to look at Sera's breasts, said. "The sex is for after dinner. We wanted to make it special remember?" She was actually a bit mad at Sera and her distracting tits.

She laughed and said. "Yes, I know and sorry. Just wanted to tease you a little."

With that the date night officially began and while they ate and drank they began talking about their past.

"So, Bea... you were an Evolved before the Fall. But what did you want to be before that?" Asked Sera, she was a little tipsy at this point.

"You know, I wanted to be an Evolved, like everyone in my family." Bea sounded sad.

"Did... did all of them..." She didn't have to finish the sentence for Bea to understand.

"I had two older brothers and a younger sister and of course my parents. All of them died that day. I lived further away from them so I was one of the few to survive."

"I didn't have anyone other than my parents. They were at work when it happened."

They looked at each other, then reached over the table and held hands. They smiled at one another. Yes their life was sad, but at least they had each other.

"More wine?" Asked Bea.

"Gods yes!"

While Bea poured more wine Sera asked something weird.

"Do you ever think about where us Evolved come from?"

Bea paused for a second. "No... not really. I did in the past and when I tried to find an answer. All I found is, that it's something in our genes. That's why most Evolved marry and have kids with other Evolved. My family consisted of Evolved only for example."

Sera made a weird face. "That's weird isn't it? If it's something genetical, then why don't more people marry not Evolved. It could increase the Evolved population."

'Why did she have to bring this up! It's supposed to be a date night!'

But before Bea could speak Sera simled at her and said.

"Okay, lets change subject. I can see you having enough of this conversation."

Bea sipped from her wine and asked. "So what do you want to talk about?"

"Lets see you don't want to talk about Evolved History, Realm History and anything related to being smart. Can we even talk to each other?" Said Sera with a grin.


They both laughed and fell silent. They were still holding each others hands. The food was gone a long time ago and they were running out of wine as well. Bea thought a bit then asked.

"You asked me what I wanted to be, but I never asked you."

Sera smiled at her, it was a sad smile.

"I was a student in our Academy. I was studying to be a government official, like my mother. On the day of the Destruction it was one of my final exams, I was heading home from there."

Sera wasn't looking at her, she was at another place, in another time.

"How did the exam go?" Asked Bea with the kindest smile she could muster.

Sera grinned and asked. "What do you think?"

"You got max score didn't you?"

"I might have missed a question."

The both laughed. The mood was improving and the night was still long.

Bea turned to Sera and asked with a grin.

"So Saint Seraphine, what do you say we finish this wine and then fuck each other senseless?"

Sera answered with a grin of her own.

"I thought you would never ask."

They quickly downed their leftover wine, then stood from the table.