Alone In The Dark

In the city of Havel it was currently night. Even though it was night, this city never truly slept. Most of the residents actually like to go out at night and grab something to eat, you just have to hope that something isn't you.

Through the darkness of the night something moved, it was a shadow. It weaved between monsters, most of them couldn't even perceive it. The ones that could ended up with puncture wounds in vital spots. The stronger ones it escaped.

That something moved trough the city, until it stopped on a rooftop. Below it, a whole district was cut off from the rest of the city, they didn't try to hide. The Corrupted in the area had been led away or with big losses killed. The rest of the monsters the guards could take care of.

The shadow suddenly became a breathtakingly beautiful woman, before the Evolution she had straw colored hair and blue eyes. But being an Evolved changes a lot of things, inculding appearance. Her hair and eye color changed to black, like the shadows she could control.

'They were busy it seems. It would've actually been amazing what they achieved, if I didn't know who exactly built the fortifications. Slaves.'

Faith sat down near the edge of the roof and dangled her feet in the air. She was on the roof of a 15 story office building, or at least it looked like one.

After her perilous journey she could finally catch her breath. The Hold was about 20 kilometers from The Bunker, which meant 20 kilometers full of deadly monsters.

'At least my training is proving really useful!'

It was a couple of days ago since she began her training under Saint Bea's wings. She was surprised how good Faith was during the fights, but it was mostly because of Shadow Perception. It made the moves more pronounced somehow, it was easier to predict the opponent.

She still lost against Saint Bea every single time. Couldn't even touch her once, but that was what she expected from her. And she still improved by a lot after each session.

After the last one, the two leaders decided that she was good enough. They were also running out of time, so here she was. Waiting for an 8 year old girl to possess her and help her infiltrate a camp of around ten thousand people. Well, most of the ten thousand were slaves, but still the majority weren't.

Faith still didn't understand how they fed so many people. Yeah there were Evolved who could grow crops in days and they had a lot of hunting parties. The city never seemed to run out of monsters, it was a blessing and a curse.

'It doesn't matter. Other than the slaves all of them will die.'

As she was fantasizing the murder of all those slavers, suddenly she lost control over her body. Faith wasn't even surprised unlike the first two times.

"Good night, Faith. Are you ready?"

She regained control and nodded. Then she lost it again.

"Okay then, move to the eastern gate of The Hold, in about 10 minutes there will be a guard change."

Faith didn't say anything, she just jumped from the roof. As she plummeted her body turned darker and less corporeal. On the ground nothing landed, just a shadow moved in the darkness.

The shadow moved, inconceivable to most. After about 5 minutes she arrived near the gate and she waited. While waiting, she over heard the soldiers on the wall.

" a whore." Said a man with a deep voice.

"Why would she be?" Said a female.

"Its not that she is, but she should be! Imagine fucking her, I heard she is the most beautiful woman." Said a younger man.

"You would fuck anything that has a hole! Man, woman, children, if there is a place to stick your dick you don't care! I wonder how long do I have to wait to find you fucking a Tainted!" All of them laughed at what the woman said except the young man, but Faith focused on something else.

'Man, woman and even children. Does their evil know no bound? Why did they became so profane? They were good people when we left the fallen city, Copen. Just what happened to them?'

"You fucking bitch, you dare talk like that! You should be lucky I'm not raping you, like the other slave whores!" The younger man certainly gotten angry.

"Calm down idiot! It was just a joke from her, don't get too offended. Anyway, I doubt you could have your way with that Bea girl. I heard a rumor that she was important to the Lord." The deep voiced man whispered the last part, as if scared that the night could hear him, which was actually kind of true.

'They talking about Saint Bea, and they want to rape her! I going to kill every single one of them! Good luck raping anyone, after I cut off your legs, arms and reproductive organs!'

"Alright can't we leave already! The other guards arrive in 3 minutes, certainly nothing will attack this specific part of the wall in the meantime." Said the younger man.

"Yeah, fuck it lets go!" Said the female and a second later Faith heard 3 pairs of footsteps going away.

After a minute she lost control of her non exsistant body, and percieved her own hand giving her a thumbs up.

'Well, here goes nothing!'

Faith turned to the wall and glided up onto it. The whole thing was empty. She didn't linger, moving from shadow to shadow she went down onto the other side.

The streets were empty and dark, there were lights coming out of some houses, but that's all.

'Perfect!' Faith thought and would have smiled if she had a mouth.

She talked with Saint Bea and Saint Seraphine about, how long should she stay in The Hold. They said that in a couple of days, she should be able to learn most of their defences.

The only problem was that she couldn't fall asleep because Nightmare would sense it. His powers has to do mostly with dreams and since he is an Ascended, his strength greatly above Faiths. And after you are in his clutches, he can drive you insane with nighmares.

Faith moved through the streets, periodically losing control over her body.

'Where is she guiding me?'

After a couple of minutes she realized.

'Clever girl!'

In front of Faith was an abandoned house, in which they could talk safely without anyone hearing it. She went in without hesitation and stopped in a place the was possibly a living room once. She lost control again and her mouth said.

"Now that we can talk, lets begin."

With that the work had begun, throughout the next few days she will try to map all of The Hold. Also, she has another mission, learn what Nightmare is planning.