The Bull and the Angel

While the others were trying to rescue the slaves. Sera and Bea held the frontlines. They each fought and killed dozens of Evolved already. But they just kept coming, and the worst of them, the Lieutenants haven't even attacked yet.

'Fuck, what are they waiting for, cowards!'

Sera tried to contain her emotions, but the Midnight Crown was increasing her desires. She couldn't dismiss it either, it was improving her soldier's power. Yeah, they used railguns but the crown somehow increased the firepower of their weapons.

She flew into the air and impaled some flying beast, she didn't even have time to look because the enemy soldiers immediately targeted her.

Instead of gracefully landing she dismissed her wings and landed on an Evolved's head crushing it. Her weapon turned into a sword yet again, and by the next second she already blocked and evaded two seperate attacks.

A weird lion-like beast tried to pounce on her, but she cut of its front legs. Her mind was getting more foggy.

'Fuck, another one with a mental debuff.'

Following the feeling she looked around and found the source. A woman was looking at her and concentrating really hard. Sera smiled and began to cut her way towards her

'This mental attack would probably cripple me if I didn't have Clear Mind.'

It didn't take long to reach her and cut the Evolved in half. She fought for another couple of minutes until something changed.

Shots were still being fired between both sides, but the Evolved army stopped and backed away from Sera.

She was breathing heavily, but only had a few small cuts and bruises. She looked towards Bea, she was in a very similar state as Sera.

Suddenly a ripple went through the Evolved army and something was coming their way. Sera already knew who it was and she smiled.


The crowd in front of Sera split and a Bull of a man came out. He was angry but happy at the same time.

'Mad bastard.'

On Bea's side the other two Lieutenants exited and began circling her. Sera looked the Bull up and down a couple of times.

He was huge, not even close to the Night Demon's size, but by human standards he was massive. At around 3 meters, probably more. He didn't wear any armor only a shirt and pants. He was brimming with muscle, it seemed like his skin was trying to contain them.

His face was ugly, it was full of scars and in his eyes there was only insanity. Not even a hint of a coherent thought.

"So you are the famous 'Saint Seraphine' I heard about. You can fight I give you that, but sadly your life has came to an end."

His voice was like the rumbling of thunder in a storm, but Sera only smiled at him.

"So you are the sacrifice Nightmare has sent for me to kill."

The Bull actually laughed.

"You fool! You still didn't realize it!"

Sera furrowed her brows. "Didn't realize what?"

The Bull just smiled. "You'll see."

Then he began running towards Sera, she quickly dodged his mad rush and tried to cut his arm off. The sword was stopped after a couple of centimeters. It didn't even cut through his muscle.

'What the fuck? My sword could cut through even weaker Corrupted, but not him?'

She didn't have time to think further as the Bull sent a barrage of fist in her way. Sera evaded or parried them, she knew getting hit was a certain way of dying.

He was fast for his size, but Sera was way more nimble. Using her wings for quick movements she easily dodged his attacks and delivered her own counters.

It didn't matter though, no matter how many cuts she delivered, the Bull didn't slow down one bit.

'It's like he doesn't care about the two dozen bleeding wounds.'

Sera dodged another attack, but as she was stabbing with her sword, the Bull's fist closed around it. He pulled Sera off balance and was about to deliver a devestating blow on her chest.

With her wings she managed to push herself away, so the blow wouldn't kill her. It landed on her sword arm's shoulder dislocating it. Her arm nearly got ripped of by the blow and she screamed from the pain.

"Ahhh... FUCK!"

The blow was strong enough to send her flying. She landed about 20 meters away. The Bull didn't follow her for some reason, so she had time to look at Bea's battle.

She was doing a lot better than Sera. Tor seemed to be already dead or at least dying, and a huge cat was currently circling Bea. She kept her eyes on the Cat, but she constantly glanced in Sera's direction. There was concern in her eyes and even fear.

Sera then turned towards the Bull, he was grinning.

'I will kill this ugly bastard... somehow.'

Sera went on a knee and slowly rose. In her left hand the sword appeared. She wasn't as good with her left hand, but it was better than nothing.

Slowly she began walking towards the Bull, he was still standing there with a stupid grin. After around ten meter seperated them, she stopped.

"It's sad really. I wanted to rip you apart, but Lord Nightmare has other plans." He was actually a bit sad as he said it.

"Why?" Sera was confused.

'What is Nightmare planning? Does he want something from me? But what?'

"Don't worry, you're about to find out. He was waiting for you, you know." Said the Bull while laughing. "And he didn't even had to get you. You came on your own free will! How marvelous!"

Sera was getting concerned and suddenly she remembered something, the last readable line in Nightmare's diary.

'The Bright Whore has arrived, but the surprise is nearly ready. And then she will join!' She thought it was only his Mad ravings, but it seems there was a different meaning behind it which everyone ignored.

'This is a trap... And I walked right into it...'

As the realization hit her, suddenly the lights came back on. And with that the hidden weapons came alive as well.