
In a room slept a woman and a girl, they were hugging each other for warmth but not of the body, for the soul. The two of them didn't look similar, but a blind person could tell their relationship, a mother and her daughter.

Someone knocked on their door, but neither stirred. There were a couple more knocks, then the door slowly opened. Bea walked in carrying a large try of food and she was about to call for Sera to wake up, but she was already awake.

Sera jumped out of the bed with her sword pointed right at Bea. Her breathing was erratic, like she just woke up from a nightmare. Bea wasn't surprised, she just slowly placed the tray down on the table.

"Good morning to you too." She said sarcastically.

"You could have knocked." Answered Sera, she was a bit angry and annoyed.

Bea laughed at that. "I knocked like a dozen times, you were in too deep of a sleep."

"Oh..." Sera looked away with a blush on her face and dismissed her sword.