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The streets of Castleburg were bustling with people, cars, buses and even trains.

'I mean they need this amount of transportation for a city this size.'

The buildings were truly amazing, there design foreign to Sera and the others. They only seen it in history classes. The cities of Newber and Copen were very different. They were modern, flat, boring, but efficient.

This city done it very differently, but the real question was how? After the Apocalypse most cities were destroyed, only the very large ones with millions of people survived. Which means everything they built, wasn't here 25 years ago.

'I will ask about it when we have time.'

The guards lead them to an especially beautiful building. It was huge with multiple domed roofs, metal railings on its top and a huge wooden double door. Its windows were colored and there were pictures visible on them. It looked more of a temple, than a migration office.