The Factory

The drone approached a large opening in the wall of the facility. The whole swarm was entering and with them move Clockwork's own drone.

The hole in the wall of the building was large, like something huge barreled through it in the past. When he finally went inside all he saw was machinery.

Conveyor belts zigzagged through the whole factory, they carried either metals, parts of robots or some sort of whitish blue crystals. Clockwork didn't know the exact purpose of the crystals, but putting together the pervious clues, he deduced that they gave the robots to semblance of a soul.

All the belts went different directions, he decided to follow the metal one. It led him to a couple of large crucibles, the metals were put in different ones. One carried gold, another copper, then there was one with something like iron or maybe steel. And about a dozen more that just looked the same.