Death Dealing

On top of a roof the rest of the group was waiting for the signal to attack.

It took a while, but they finally saw the explosion and realized how much they actually miscalculated the power of it. They just stared at it for a few minutes, in the sky they saw the army of drones flying towards the sky.

Clockwork watched the burning corpse of the factory, it delighted him that the explosives worked so well.

After watching it burn for a few more minutes and waiting for all the drones to leave... Bea finally gave the order to move out.

They ran through the streets and occasionally looked at the sky, where a light show was currently playing. Hellfire was throwing fireball after fireball, killing drones wherever they landed.

Every time they exploded, the night sky lit up for a second and dozens of drones melted. Sadly it also illuminated the thousands swarming around the three of them, it made the rest of the group run faster.