Realm of Boundless Frost

They flew as fast as possible, but still only arrived to Flenburg when the sun set behind them.

The hippogryphs sat down near the outpost's wall, they wouldn't be coming to the other realm anyway. Bea got off of Alyrine and turned towards Kastral, who descended next to them. She reached out her hand and petted his beak.

"We will bring her back... I promise!" Kastral didn't seem to be too convinced, but nodded all the same, then turned away and flew to the sky.

"He's just angry that he can't help saving Seraphine..." Said a feminine voice inside Bea's mind. She turned towards Alyrine and scratched her chin feathers.

"Take care of them while we are away. And if things don't go as planned make sure you leave... Don't risk your entire species for us!"

Her eyes turned teary as she said it. Somehow she could tell, that they won't going to see each other for a long time.