New Athens

The Sun was shining brightly in New Athens. The city was packed with people who enjoyed the Mediterranean Ocean's mild autumn.

There were a few who would've even liked to go down to the beach for a quick swim in the Aegean Sea, but of course that was strictly forbidden.

As people walked up and down the Main Avenue their heads suddenly snapped to a specific person.

She wore nothing special, just civilian clothes. A leather jacket that was zipped up fully, dark pants that stuck close to her alluring legs, and a pair of combat boots. Her waist length golden hair was placed in a neat bun on the back of her head. Her golden eyes beautiful, but empty of light.

The woman walked down the street without much care for the people staring at her. She wore a constantly bored expression, which brought a mystical aura to her. People believed that she could control her emotions that well. They had no idea of the real reason for her hollowness...