
The world was only blackness and pain. Hector slowly raised his hand and held onto his bruised face. He had no idea how his face looked, but judging by the pain which originated from everywhere, it definitely wasn't pretty.

He tried to open his eyes, but only the left one could actually see. His right eye's vision was obstructed by the large bruise right below it.

While he kept touching the bruises and hissed every time from the pain, his eye tried to focus on his surroundings. The Sun was high in the sky, way higher than the last time he saw it.

He was very confused about what happened, but soon he remembered Sera and how easily she knocked him out. He was actually stupid enough to get angry about his weakness instead of rethinking his mistakes.

Suddenly a high pitched laughter came from somewhere to his right. He had to turn his head more, because of his right eyes missing vision.