
In the twilight of the setting Sun they arrived near the southern gate of the military encampment.

Sera and David walked in the front with their teams behind. When they were a few dozen meters away two large spotlights illuminated the area around them.

"That's far enough! State your name and business!" Shouted a voice from the top of the wall. They probably saw them approaching from kilometers away, they just let them get close.

Sera and David looked at each other, then she motioned for him to take the stage. With a small laugh he stepped forward about to speak, when another person shouted down.

"I give you five seconds to start speaking before we open fire!" Both person sounded a bit young and inexperienced.

David looked back a bit, then with a smile he pointed his arm towards the gate. Sera understood what he wanted her to do and in the next moment her wings appeared.