The Aftermath

As the sky burned behind them, Cassandra and Sera floated towards the battlefield. The fighting had stopped with the explosion, and the defenders of New Constantinople quickly put down their weapons.

Sera barely registered any of this. Her mind was in constant pain and she felt exhausted. She also felt cold and her skin was really pale. The only thing keeping her up straight was Cassandra's firm hold on her waist.

They moved towards the ground where people began to cheer. Sera winced at the loud sound, which caused the migraine to greatly increase. Cassandra saw this as well, and she quickly made the sound illusionary for Sera.

She closed her eyes and breathed in relief. But Cassandra didn't stop with making the sound disappear.

Unknowingly to Sera, she made a copy of her, and made the real Sera invisible. A few meters in front of Cassandra she floated. The copy was quite accurate. Cassandra was sure most people would be fooled by her.