A Walk in the Park

Staying hidden in New Constantinople turned out to be a really easy task. Knowing Sera it should've been way harder, but as it turned out only a small portion of the city was actually occupied by citizens.

Most of the place was either abandoned or ruins. The seven of them found a large house that was very unstable to be inside, and they used the basement of this structure for the past week.

The basement was quite small, definitely not large enough for seven people, but they made do with what they had.

Hector sat in one of the corners, skulking as he usually done. Dwight and his group were laughing and drinking in the middle. They had a small table, where they could play poker and other dumb games.

Currently they waited for the Empress to come back and make her usual report. In the past week they were quite busy, and soon they would be able to make their move.