Opportunistic Trap

Sera and Cass were walking while chatting. They were both in a great mood and had a bit of fun. They wanted to have a few drinks with the others, and currently they were approaching Agnes's room to ask if she wanted to join them.

As they approached the room, both of them felt uneasy... Something was wrong!

Cass stepped forward and pushed the door open. The room was dark, but they both saw how trashed the whole place was.

They looked over the broken furniture and other items until their eyes landed on Agnes's petrified form. Only her head and chest were free of the stone at that point.

Cass broke down in tears next to her, while Sera's more rational and cunning side took control. Her eyes scanned the room, and it dropped to a familiar figure kneeling before a mirror.

It took one second for her glaive and armor to appear, but it was just enough for the Empress to see her.