The room was white and bright, just like Sera described it. There was a large glass pane window on the far end, which showed the cave-like outside.
The room was mostly barren. There was a white nightstand and a basic bathroom to the side. Only one dominant feature was in the room... A bed.
After seeing the person lying on it, Bea broke down crying. Faith moved fast and hid the sight from Vicky, but it was already too late and she was screaming in anger and pain.
Similar emotions coursed through the others, freezing them with shock and sadness.
Sera was alive, but her state was horrible. There was nothing left of her. Most of her body was surgically removed.
Her arms and legs were none existent. Her lower torso was missing as well. Her chest was opened, with her ribs bent to the side. There were tubes moving in and out of her chest cavity.