The freezing winds of the Realm of Boundless Frost hit Vicky's small body like a hammer.
When she began walking north, a snowstorm just hit the area. Her clothing had already frozen to her skin, and with each small movement, more and more pain appeared all over her.
She even glimpsed at trickled of frozen blood where her skin broke, but the cold got rid of any open wound.
The snow was to her waist at this point, making moving much harder. With each step, she felt herself closer to the gates of death.
The temperature was nearly unbearable, and funnily enough, the only reason she was still alive was her frozen clothing. All the small holes in the fabric had an icy layer on, which stopped the wind from getting through.
The wind had other surprises, though. In combination with the large snowflakes, the wind carried tiny ice shards, too.