The sun was already approaching the western horizon by the time Bea woke up. Her head was bursting with pain, and she felt sick to her stomach.
Never before had she felt so hungover. The last dawn was a blur. She remembered feeling extremely sad, then she began drinking, and after that… Nothing.
Her last memory was approaching the dance floor with Otto. She groaned as she tried to sit up on the bed, but it caused the headache to increase tenfold.
Finally, she decided to remain in bed, pulling the covers over her head to avoid the sunlight.
Sadly, a nagging thought prevented her from sleeping. Out of curiosity, she tried opening her eyes. At first, everything was blurry and her vision split into four separate pictures, but after a minute or two, it kind of stabilized.
Her body was mostly numb and tingly from being hungover, so she didn't notice her lack of clothes at first.