The word "pregnant" kept repeating itself in Noah's mind. He was in a panic until Reed softly took his hand. Reed smiled on the outside, but in his mind he screamed, "Oh my God!!"
"Would you like to see your baby?" Dr. Newburry asked.
"Yeah," Noah said tentatively at first.
"Okay, lay back and lift your shirt," the doctor asked as she brought a machine over. Noah snarled as the icy gel was squirted upon his stomach. The woman cautiously moved a wand about while fiddling with the ultrasound machine's buttons. She pressed a button, and Noah turned his head towards the sound.
"Your baby has a strong heartbeat," Dr. Newburry noted. Noah opened his mouth to speak before closing it again.
Noah sat on the exam room bed, with Reed standing by his side. The room was quiet as they gazed at the ultrasound photo together.
"Is the baby really alright?" Noah asked in a concerned tone. "I mean, I don't know my history because me and my brother were in an orphanage until age six and then lived at Bloodrose Pack," the man said.
"If you are concerned, we can conduct tests on your body," Dr. Newburry added. An hour later, the three of them were sitting in Dr. Newburry's office. For a few moments, no one said anything.
"Before I explain the test results, have you had any difficulty breathing?" the physician inquired.
"As a child, I had episodes like that," Noah said.
The doctor jotted down everything she was told. "Are you still having them?" she inquired. Noah swiftly looked across at Reed.
"Whenever I am stressed, yeah," he said. Noah overheard Reed ask, "Why didn't you say anything sooner?" across their link.
"Scared, I guess," Noah responded. When the doctor was certain that she had Noah's and Reed's entire attention, she resumed the discussion.
"Your lungs aren't getting enough oxygen," she explained. "Your symptoms will worsen as the baby grows."
"Which means?" Noah inquired, scared of what he would hear. The doctor groaned sadly.
"You'll need a breathing machine when you're in your sixth month," she told him.
Reed could tell the thoughts swirling in Noah's head and asked, "Are you alright?" in a concerned voice.
"I need time to process all of this," Noah admitted.
"I'll let you two have some time alone to talk," Dr. Newburry said as she rose from her chair and headed towards the door. "I'll be in the hall if you need me," she stated.
"Babe, talk to me," Reed pleaded.
"So much has happened," Noah stammered. "First I find out I'm pregnant, then I find out that my body is malfunctioning," he sniffled.
"We'll get through this somehow," Reed promised.
The door opened, and Dr. Newburry entered her office. "Is everything settled now?" she inquired, sitting at her desk.
"We're fine," Noah and Reed both said.
"What do we do now?" Noah asked.
"First, we set up monthly checkups for you and the baby," the doctor said. "At the first sign of caution, I'm putting you on a breathing machine."
"What do we do in the meantime?" Reed inquired.
"Keep stress levels low and avoid vigorous exercise," Dr. Newburry said. After another 10 minutes of listening to "to do's" and "not to do's," Noah and Reed returned home. Noah plopped down on the bed exhausted.
Two Weeks Later
One evening, Noah and Reed cuddled on the couch and watched television. They were bundled up under a baby blue blanket. When a commercial aired, Reed turned around and remarked, "Why don't you move in with me?"
"Are you serious?" Noah asked, taken aback by the unexpected suggestion. "I can't just move in and take over your home," said the man.
"It will be your home too," Reed said. "It's bigger than your apartment," he added.
"Let me think about it," Noah answered. "Moving in is a big step," he responded.
"No pressure; just a suggestion," Reed clarified.
"Thank you for understanding," Noah replied, kissing Reed on the cheek.
Two weeks later, they sat in the frigid exam room again. Noah wore only a sweatshirt, so one of Reed's denim jackets hung over his slumped shoulders.
"I have decided to accept your offer," Noah explained as they waited for the doctor.
"Really?" Reed inquired with enthusiasm.
"Yeah," Noah agreed. "I like the nighttime cuddles and all, but I want more," he told him.
"Once we're done here, we'll get you packed and moved," Reed said, grinning widely. The door opened, and Dr. Newburry stepped in, followed by a young brunette male nurse. The ultrasound and breathing machines were rolled into the room.
"Alright, let's get you and your baby checked out," she told him.
Noah tolerated the probing and prodding. Mostly because Reed was with him. "How are you feeling?" the doctor inquired.
"I am a little sleepy," Noah said.
"We'll do a round of breathing treatment while you rest," she explained, bringing the machine closer.
"How long should this last?" Reed inquired.
"Around thirty minutes for each session," the doctor replied.
"Every month?" Reed inquired, keeping his voice low so Noah could relax.
"Yes, as a precautionary measure," the doctor replied. When the appointment concluded and they arrived at Noah's house, Noah began packing his possessions. It didn't take long because he didn't have much.
Noah took the guest bedroom despite Reed's words, "You can sleep in my room," and began unpacking.
"It's tempting, but it's best if I take the other room," Noah told him. He heard Reed's objection across the link and grinned, "For now."
"It's a deal," Reed told Noah, kissing his cheek. The cravings began, which included watermelon, egg rolls, pickles, and spicy foods. Noah continued to participate in art class, but he avoided the paints since the smell made him queasy. Reed walked into Noah's room one evening and discovered him completely exhausted. "Take some time off and rest," he said, sitting next to him.
"Are you sure?" Noah asked, weakly.
"I can handle the studio," Reed stated. "You take care of your health."