Chapter 3

"Sir please you called me" the secretary entered the office.

" What's going on in this company? Miss Evelyn, have you noticed any unfamiliar faces in this company?" He questioned her.

She told him that all the workers here are familiar and she's never seen any unfamiliar faces in the company.

She then asked her boss what was wrong. 

He told her that the company will collapse if this thing goes on again.

He decided not to tell her the exact problem, all that he said was that she should be vigilant in whatever she does in the company. She told her boss that she'll keep an eye on the workers and if there's any unfamiliar face here, she'll inform him right away.

My dad was really frustrated, he couldn't imagine that someone could bring such a bad quality product to sell to his client. He prays that it doesn't turn out to be one of his workers.

He left the office and headed to the house. He got there and my mother could see that he was not looking happy as always. She inquired about what happened at the office. He told her about what happened. She was in shock and wondered why someone would have done such a thing to him.

" But we have no enemies in this jewelry business, everyone loves this company and always wants to work with us. So who will even think of doing such a thing to us" she was looking confused.

" Sweetheart, you don't know what this business thing entails. We've enemies even though there's no one to compete with us because they've not reached our standard. There are other companies who will do everything in their power to make us lose our clients" he explained to her 

She kept quiet and thought that nothing bad would happen to the company.

It was getting late and I was not yet back from my friend's house. I've forgotten that the next day is Monday and I'll be starting school. 

" Vanessa please call Seraphina to come home as soon as possible or else she's going to face my wrath for the first time" he furiously told her 

My mom called me as instructed and told me to come home, my dad needs me. 

" This man keeps making my life a living hell as if I'm still a kid. Girls, mom just called, she said my dad needs me " I informed my friends who were in the kitchen cooking for us to eat.

They told me to wait for us to have dinner first but I insisted on going. I left the house, and decided to order a ride home.

I got home and my personal maid came to collect my things immediately.

" The one who pumped sense into your head needs to be rewarded " I told her, smiling.

I entered the mansion and shouted, "I'm back guys, who missed me" 

" No one missed you, young lady. Your dad is really angry that you went and came back late" my mom came out of the kitchen.

" Yes, this is how I want you to address me mom, not that your baby girl that you and dad used to call me.'' I blurted.

" You're not serious, go upstairs, freshen up and come down to have dinner" she told me 

I went upstairs and did as instructed. I really wished the next day wouldn't come because I hate entering a new school. I'm now going to make new friends and learn how to cope with them too. How tiring it'll be. 

" Sera! dinner is ready!" My mom called.

My dad asked my mom "what at all is she doing upstairs that has kept her long''

She told him that I had gone to freshen up.

They were eating when I came to sit with them. While eating, my dad yelled asking me what I was doing in my friends' house that made me forget that tomorrow will be my first day at school. 

I told him that I wanted to have some time with my friends.

" You should have called us and not kept us wondering as if we've lost you forever. You dare not do that again" he warned.

" I lost my appetite, I'm not eating again" I got angry and walked out on them.

" Hey young lady, come back here," my mom called but I didn't respond.

I hated being yelled at but I love yelling at people. 

I got to my room, locked myself up and did not allow anyone into my room. I slept off while pressing her phone.

Earlier the next morning, Mrs Vanessa opened the door to my room. Pegged me on the cheek and told me to wake up and prepare for school. She placed my breakfast on the table and told me to hurry up, I have to go early on my first day. My mom was going when I broke the silence,

" Mom, am I not too old for all these breakfast in bed thing?, you're still treating me like a baby mom, I don't like that"

" Girl, you deserve to be treated like a princess. Even the old couples treat each other with breakfast in bed" she said in a soft voice.

" I prefer going to the dining table and being served by the maids. What at all do we benefit from these so called maids in this house" I stated. 

My mother told her to mind the way I speak,the maids are older than me so I should accord them some respect.

I told her that they are commoners and commoners don't deserve to be respected.

She left the room while I stood up to prepare for the school I'm not ready for.

After preparing for school, I ate my breakfast and moved to the hall. My mom saw my beauty. I was looking very beautiful

l was in my new school uniform.

They were well ironed by the maids.