Chapter 9

" I'm very late,I have to go shopping this very minute" I told him as I stood up getting prepared to leave.

" Can I come along, I'll take all the cost, my treat?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow, my expression unreadable. "Why do you want to come with me?" I asked, my tone neutral.

Alex shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "I thought it might be fun ," he said, his smile widening.

"Remember, I've not accepted your request to be your friend yet, so don't cross your limit," she cautioned, pointing a finger at him.

Alex's eyes widened slightly at my stern tone. "Alright, alright, I get it," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I'll stay in my lane"

I was about to enter my car, when Ava called me asking me if I've finished the shopping. I told her I'm now going there.

With a confused face " Why are you going now, what kept you long. I thought you'd gone already?" 

" I went to the restaurant to get some food and Alex also wasted my time with his long talks. I'm even tired" I said, holding my car's door.

" Alexander! What was he doing there, did you accept his friendship already?" She exclaimed.

" Not yet,he even wanted me to go out with him but I told him to be in his lane" I sat in the car and told my driver to start driving.

I told her that I will call her after the shopping. She agreed.

I got to the mall fifteen minutes after leaving the restaurant. Alexander's words kept ringing in my mind " You're the only girl who resisted my touch that night. All girls are willing to do that with me no matter what happens. I could see you're different and that made me believe that there are other different girls like you but my behavior is keeping them away from me"

" I can see the sincerity in his eyes when telling me these words. I think I've to give him a chance to be my friend" I nodded.

" Madam, how may I help you please?" The shop attendant called me while I was lost in thoughts.

I got back from my dream world and told her that I need some clothes. She showed me the way and I purchased some clothes as soon as possible.

Went back to my car and called my friend, Ava telling her that I'm done with the shopping.

" Seraphina, about Alex's proposal to be your friend, what is your decision on it?" Ava was very curious and wanted to know whether I'll accept it or not. As for her she really wanted me to accept it and if I do she's going to be happy.

" Girl, I think I've to accept it but I'm scared, the girls crushing on me will gang up on me" I told her with a sad face.

" You? Seraphina is scared, a fearless lioness like you, I know what you're capable of, don't give them the chance to talk to you anyhow" she told me.

" Okay I hear, why will I be scared? I will face them when they come," I assured her.

I got home and my mom welcomed me with a message saying that my dad's gonna receive an award tomorrow afternoon. 

Moving upstairs I stated " That shouldn't be a new thing mom, it's a usual thing. Dad always wins these awards".

" It's your dad's award, and even if it's a usual thing, we still have to celebrate it as if he's not gotten some before" she explained.

The maid came to collect my bag while I stood upstairs.

" Whatever, mom, did you teach this maid some lessons or is she tired of my yellings?"

" I don't know maybe she's trying to understand her young mistress" 

I went to my room, slept on my bed and took my laptop to do some research on what I've been learning in school. I might be a rude and sharp tongued lady but when it comes to brilliance and intelligence, count me in.

I went to sleep after eating that night.

The next day was the great day we were all waiting for. A day to honor my hardworking dad and the company again. I came back from school in the afternoon, saw my mom sitting in the hall waiting for the Gala Event to start. 

" Hey mom, I'll join you as soon as I change myself" as I hurriedly went upstairs to change.

"Didn't you tell me that it's not a new thing so we shouldn't bother ourselves watching it, so why do you want to watch it? Don't come downstairs because I'm not gonna let you watch this" my mom shouted on top of her voice so that I could hear her well but I pretended as if I heard nothing. 

I came downstairs and luckily they've not started yet.

In San Francisco where the event is going on. Everyone was ready for another wonderful time to honor and celebrate hard working CEOs in the industry.

The host mounted the stage, greeted the audience and proceeded with the awards. Awards were given according to categories. After giving other awards the only award that honors CEOs of the jewelry companies, The Lifetime Achievement Award.

The chairman at the headquarters was the one to announce the winner.

" And now the nominees are, Mr Sterling, CEO of the Radiant Treasures, Mr Harrington, CEO of the Glimmering Vision, Mr Rogers, the CEO of Traberts Goldsmith" he started.

Everyone was eager to hear the winner even though they knew that my dad would win. My mom and I was also sitting down with eyes fixed on the television waiting for my dad's name to be mentioned.

Alexander was also in his room watching the event on television. He jumped higher the moment he heard 

" And the winner is Mr Harrington, the CEO of Glimmering Vision" .

My mom and I was shocked when we heard another person's name instead of my dad's name. On the television too, the camera was on my dad and you could see that he was confused as we were at home.

" How did this happen? No one in this industry has ever beaten my husband in this category. How did this happen?" My mom was confused asking rhetorical questions.

I was smiling when the program started but my face changed immediately and I was shocked.

In Alex's mansion, he was very happy and couldn't hide his joy. He decided to call me but he remembered that he doesn't have my number.

He saw my dad sitting there as his dad stood up to go for the award. 

" That's her dad, then I can't tell her because I've been hearing that her dad has been receiving this award for fifteen years and no one has beaten him but how did my dad get the award?"

He was shocked himself because he knew that his dad couldn't produce good products and that means he doesn't deserve the award. Then he remembered his dad's words.

" You'll soon become the CEO of this company because I'm getting old. Put this in mind, you have to take the risk to put the company into a higher level" 

" Did he take any risk? I've to ask him when he comes back" Alex's happiness switched into a confused one when he remembered his father's words.

Now what will Alex do when he finds out about what his dad did to win the award?

What about Mr Sterling, my dad will he take any action when he finds out that Mr Harr

ington used a bad way to achieve that award?

Join me in the next chapter to find out.