Chapter 11

My driver was waiting for me outside, so I went out and entered my car. On my way, I got a message from Alexander telling me about the location. I told the driver to take me to Idyllic Jekyll Island.

We got there and I saw Alex's car packed there already. 

I entered the restaurant and saw him sitting at a table for two at the far end where no one was there.

" Good to see you," he said while giving me a warm hug. He pulled the chair for me to sit on.

" I'll always say this Alex, your girlfriend will be a lucky woman. Sorry for keeping you waiting" I chuckled softly.

" What if you become my girlfriend?" He asked with a broad smile.

" Hey! No jokes here, we're here to have dinner not to jokes" I said pointing my finger at him.

" My bad, I was just asking, sorry if you got upset" he apologized.

He asked me what I'd like to eat. I told him what I'll eat. He ordered it for me and ordered the same for himself.

We started having an interesting conversation, then we kept quiet for a few minutes and concentrated on our food. He then broke the silence by asking me who my dream man is.

I was surprised with the question he asked because I wasn't expecting that at all and to be frank, I've never thought of knowing the kind of man I want in my life. 

" I don't know," I answered him.

" You mean you don't have a spec?, then can I be your spec?" He laughed after saying that.

I didn't take him seriously because he was full of jokes. 

I just smiled and continued my meal. I couldn't finish and told him I'm okay. We finished eating then he asked me if we could walk around a bit before going home. It was getting late but I was having a good time with him so I didn't want to go home. 

We started walking around the car pack, chatting here and there. Then I felt his hands around my hands, he held my hands and I felt very much secured around him. 

" Hey Sera, we're about to write our final exam, what are your plans for it?" He inquired.

" As usual I'm going to learn," I answered him.

" I suggest we learn together or what do you think?" 

" Yes that will be a good idea" I agreed with him because learning together will help us understand things a lot.

We made a schedule for our learning that we will learn everyday after school for a few hours before going home.

Alexander was happy to hear me agree to his suggestion.

" This will bring us closer and we might end up in a relationship" he thought.

We had a very long conversation talking about ourselves and other things but Alex never told me about his parents or his background. All I knew was that he was a rich guy.

My dad got out of his room that night, he went to my room to find out whether I'm there or not. He saw no one inside the room. He called my mom to find out where I'd gone. My mom told him that I've gone out with my friends.

" When did she go?" He was furious.

" After coming back from school" my mom answered with fear. She knew that my father was angry already so if he gets angry again there will be a problem.

" Vanessa! You know what to do already, I don't have to tell you" he then went back to his room.


Alex and I were standing near my car when I saw my mom's call.

" My mom is calling, I think my dad's mad at me again" I picked up the call and my mom told me to come home as soon as possible.

I hugged Alex and told him I have to go. 

My driver drove off then we headed out of the restaurant.

" Haa! She just made my day today" he sighed as he went into his car and drove off to his house. His father was not yet home because he's supposed to come two days after three days after the awards.

When I got home, I saw my mom and dad waiting for me in the hall.

You could see from my dad's face that he was angry. 

" This is the second time, Sera. Do you want to kill us? Have you forgotten that you're the only daughter we have in this family?" He was very angry.

" Dad, I'm sorry I was just with my friends," I explained.

" Everyday, everytime my friends. When will these friends of yours come home for us to see them" my mom asked, looking concerned.

" I'm turning eighteen in the next two months, you guys shouldn't worry about me when I go out. I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl now and don't worry my friends will come and visit you guys one day" I explained things to them.

"We love you baby girl that's why we always want to know your whereabouts" my mom said in a soft way.

" Baby girl again? Mom, when will you stop calling me that name? I'm a big girl now, remember" I said as I walked to my room.

My mom smiled " hey honey, chill our daughter is safe now" 

My dad was okay to see me come back safe and sound.

It's been a week and my dad hasn't gone to work. He decided to go to work one day after recovering from the shock. He went to his office very early. While sitting down and contemplating, he remembered the security's words and called him on the phone to come to his office immediately.

Mr. Harrington on the other hand had been celebrating his victory with his staff ever since he came back from San Francisco. He's now become a public figure. He had wanted to gain recognition ever since he lost it when he inherited the company from his dad.

He had planned to do more than he had done to drain everything from his rival CEOs company.

" This will be a form of deterrent to any guy who decides to snatch another guy's girlfriend," he laughed out loud.

He called his personal assistant to continue with whatever he's been doing. His assistant told him that he'll do that immediately.

He called the secretary of the Radiant Treasures and threatened her to keep mute when her boss asked her about any third party coming to the company. If she does that, he'll take her life away from her. He told her that they'll carry out another mission tonight and she should make sure the security is not tight.

She agreed with fear. The secretary had found out that their rival company had won the awards, she had regretted doing that for them but she cherished her life too so she must do it.

The security went to the CEOs office and he was asked to explain what he saw after waking up from sleep the other day.

" Which means, some people bagged into this company to exchange my goods with theirs right?" He questioned the security.

" Sir, I think that's the case," he agreed.

My dad immediately stood up and went to look at the CCTV camera footage to check whether he's going to get any evidence of it. He went there and told the workers to play back that night. They did and saw that the lights were off but they managed to find the switch and turned the lights on. Unfortunately they had masks on so their faces were not showing. 

He then told them to keep it safe, he'll need it for something important.

He went straight to his secretary after watching the video. He asked the secretary whether she showed anyone the secret place.

The secretary told him that she didn't do such a thing.

" I'm going to get to the root of this matter and if I find out that Harrington is the one behind all these, his reputation and his company will be at stake"