No Pain No Gain

It's morning. We all slowly woke up. At that moment, Kenma sensei came and told us not to stay idly. We have to go. So be ready now. We all prepared ourselves and went to the bus stand with sensei. Sensei said he will take to a hilly area. There, we will train to unlock Sasis Energy. 

We got on the bus. Shizuku asked Sensei where we are heading. Sensei answered that we are heading to the Giyi region. Shin said, "In that place?" I asked Shin what's so fishy about that place. He replied that the place is full of heinous Cavles. Sensei said there aren't many now because guild members have operated many operations where most of the Cavles were killed. So, don't worry. I asked him why Nanami is absent. He said Nanami wasn't called because he didn't contact Nanami yet.

We were talking but I saw Kenma sensei sit quietly. He seemed to be sad. Then we reached the destination. Kenma stopped the bus and we got off the bus. He then said we are going from here. Shin said it isn't a hilly area. But sensei replied that where we are now is approximately 100 km far from the Giyi region. We will go there walking and you will complete the 2nd stage of Sasis here. I said, "Total pain!". Shizuku said she will be finished if she does it. But sensei said, "It's true but remember to gain something, you have to work hard. Now get going!" Now we are walking through the jungle.

Shin said is it necessary and besides we could go on the bus. But sensei said he will start a camp here and we will stay here at night. Let me tell you what you will learn. As you see, you can awaken the points and webs but you haven't unlocked or generated the Sasis Energy. Mainly, this Sasis Energy is generated from the heart and brain and straight through the webs,it goes to the collector. This collector is none other than our stomach. Here the Sais comes and is sent to the points through webs. 

Now Shizuku and Shin asked what we will learn. I try to understand sensei's words. Then sensei revealed you are going to generate the Sasis Energy. Now after walking for so long we reached an open space area. Then, sensei ordered us to go to where we started. Shin was shocked and said how we are going to do that. Shizuku started being sad and said, "I'm finished today." Sensei added in the way, bring branches of trees. Bring plenty of branches and collect the branches before reaching the bottom. Then, get back here running from the bottom. Like this, you will train. 

After that, we started going to the bottom and collecting the branches of trees. Shizuku said sensei can't do that with us. Shin said if we walk like this, we don't know when we will reach. I (Noya) never saw this rough jungle in my life. We were walking to the bottom talking with each other. Finally we reached the bottom and collected the branches of trees. I asked Shin and Shizuku if they were ready to run to the top. They all said yes. We started running. 

We were running hard and fast. But, this affects our brains. The heartbeats were increased by the panting. In the middle of the way, Shizuku stopped. I asked what happened. Shin told Shizuku to stand up because it will be dark soon. Shizuku told us to stop also and took a break. We stopped for a while. 

Then we started running again and it was faster than before. We were trying to reach early. I loudly said we have to run fast because sensei is waiting. Shin said that after this he will not do anything. When we were closer to the top, Shizuku stumbled and fell. I stopped but Shin was running blindly so that he couldn't hear anything. I called him but he couldn't respond. I asked Shizuku if she was okay. She replied she is okay. But her one leg was bleeding due to the fall. I took out my handkerchief and tied it with her leg so that the bleeding could stop. Shizuku said it wasn't necessary. I asked if she was able to run. Though she said yes, she couldn't even walk. I took him on my back and said you don't need to run, I will carry you. Shizuku again said it wasn't necessary. I told her to stop talking and started running carrying her in my back. 

Shin reached the top and requested sensei to not give him any task for today. Sensei asked him where Noya and Shizuku are. But Shin couldn't answer. Sensei said," It shouldn't take this much time." I was running. Shiizuku asked if I was alright carrying the tree branches also and told me to give those to her. I said, "I'm fine. No need." Then Shizuku thanked me for the assistance. I said, "You don't need to thank me."In the meantime, a Cavle showed up before our eyes. It said, "Yeh!!! I'm so lucky today!!!" Shizuku and I were shocked to see it.