Chapter two:The Purchase

(Ding,welcome new customer)

(Ding,new customer gift package.)

(Ding, Bahamas View Villa,subsidy:$2)

(Ding, Limited Edition Porsche 966MR-88, subsidy:$1).

Reading the page, Bright frowned, then scoffed,"These sellers will pull anything for business!" Whether it was the Bahamas View Villa or the limited edition Porsche 966,they are worth millions,yet here for less than two bucks?.Even a toy model wouldn't come this cheap! Clearly,a trick to lure traffic.

But Bright had a glimmer of a fantasy,what if it's real?.Lost in thought, Bright's finger accidentally swiped the screen, landing on the Limited Edition Porsche 966.

(Ding; congratulations, customer purchase successful!)

(Ding; delivery to the customer starts now)

Bright froze in his tracks upon witnessing this scene; purchase success?.In a flash,his phone pinged with a message.

Message:Mr. John,your card ending in 4455,spent $1 on May 20 at 10 O'clock, leaving a balance of $119.As he scrutinized the message, Bright's brows tightened.

Just a buck off,but for now,that was something! "Darn,this is a total rip off".He'd just casually tapped, didn't even enter a password,and got charged like this.


Just as Bright was lost,his phone buzzed again.

(Ding;the stuff you bought has been delivered, check it out.) "Delivered? Where the heck to?" Bright was sure he had stumbled into a telecom scram!

About to call the cops,he felt a bulge in his pocket. Reaching in, Bright felt car keys, pulling them out,he was gobsmacked.

These,These were the Keys to a Porsche 966! Bright then glued his eyes back to the app still on his phone.could this app be real? Without a second thought, Bright eyed the last item,and without hesitation,made another purchase!

(Ding, customer purchase successful!)

(Ding;goods on their way,should arrive within an hour, please wait)

(Ding; today's new customer perks and the rest of the goods sold out,come back tomorrow).

Seeing this, Bright seemed to catch on,the items in this app has limits on quantity and time.seemed like they refreshed daily.

Though this time,the delivery was taking a while,Bright was pumped, wondering how the villa would show up.