Lord Cedric's Fury

The sun had barely risen over the kingdom of Valeidio when the heavy wooden doors of the throne room crashed open with a thunderous boom.

The sound echoed through the marble halls, startling everyone inside. King Xavian, deep in a morning meeting with his council, looked up in surprise as the commotion disrupted the chamber's solemn atmosphere.

Royal guards stumbled in, their once pristine uniforms now disheveled, bearing fresh bruises and cuts. They were clearly outmatched by the man who stormed through, his every step exuding an air of authority and defiance.

The intruder was none other than Lord Cedric Warcrest, Queen Morgana's elder brother and the retired general of Valeidio's armies.

"Lord Cedric!" one guard gasped, attempting to regain his composure as he limped after the older man. "You cannot...."

But Cedric paid him no heed. His every step was a storm, his presence as commanding as it was formidable.

Clad in dark, battle-worn leather armor, his broad shoulders and towering stature exuded power. His silver hair, tied back in a warrior's knot, and the deep lines of his stern face told tales of countless battles, yet today, his expression held a fury unlike any seen before.

King Xavian, seated on his ornate throne, sighed heavily. He knew who it was before he even turned his gaze to the commotion.

Only Cedric had the audacity and strength to storm the throne room like this. Waving the guards back to their posts, Xavian braced himself for what was sure to be a confrontation as volatile as the man who now approached.

The council members, seated in a semicircle before the throne, had been quietly discussing the kingdom's affairs when the heavy doors crashed open. Startled, their conversation ceased immediately as all eyes turned toward the source of the noise.

Each of them had seen Cedric Warcrest before, but never like this. His powerful stride and the raw anger radiating from him sent a wave of unease through the room. They had heard stories of his legendary temper on the battlefield, but experiencing it firsthand was a different matter entirely.

Lord Horace, bushy eyebrows knitted together in concern as he watched Cedric approach the throne. He had served under Cedric during the early years of his military career and knew that the man was not to be trifled with when enraged.

Lady Isolde, exchanged a nervous glance with Lord Bertrand, who sat beside her. Her usually composed demeanor faltered, her fingers instinctively clutching the pearl necklace around her neck, a habit she had when deeply anxious. Lord Bertrand, a man of few words, shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes darting between the king and Cedric, sensing the imminent explosion.

Lady Helena, leaned back in her chair, trying to mask his discomfort with a facade of indifference. But the twitching of her lips and the slight tremor in her hands betrayed her nervousness. She had never seen such a public display of defiance against the king and was unsure of how to react.

As Cedric stormed toward the throne, the council members instinctively recoiled, some even leaning away as if trying to distance themselves from the confrontation. The air was thick with tension, and none dared to speak, fearing that even the slightest sound might draw Cedric's ire.

Cedric's eyes blazed with a barely contained rage as he strode towards the throne. "What is it that I'm hearing, Xavian?" he bellowed, his voice reverberating off the high ceilings. "That you sent my nephew to the likes of Zephyros? Those bloodthirsty monsters!"

The council members exchanged uneasy glances, watching in stunned silence. The sheer intensity of his emotions was overwhelming, and none of them dared to intervene or voice their thoughts.

King Xavian met Cedric's furious gaze with a calm demeanor, though a flicker of weariness passed through his eyes. "Cedric, calm yourself," he began, his voice measured. "There are reasons....."

"Reasons?" Cedric's voice boomed even louder, drowning out the king's attempt at explanation. "There is no reason good enough to send Eirik into the jaws of those savages! Do you not care for his life?"

The guards who had attempted to stop Lord Cedric now stood at a respectful distance, their faces a mixture of fear and respect for the man who had once led Valeidio's armies to countless victories. Despite their wounds, none of them dared to challenge him again.

King Xavian's shoulders slumped slightly as he sighed once more. This was the confrontation he had dreaded since sending the marriage proposal to Zephyros.

If Cedric had been present when the decision was made, there would have been no chance of it proceeding. "Cedric, you must understand," Xavian said, his tone laced with patience. "This alliance is crucial for our kingdom's survival. Eirik agreed to it for the sake of our people."

"I do not care for your politics!" Cedric roared, his fists clenching at his sides. "I will go and bring him back myself if need be. You cannot sacrifice him like this!"

The argument grew heated, Cedric's anger a palpable force in the room. The king's calm demeanor contrasted sharply with Cedric's explosive wrath. The tension between them was thick, the air almost crackling with the force of their clashing wills.

Some of the council members exchanged furtive glances, silently communicating their discomfort.

Lord Horace, ever the voice of reason in quieter times, looked as though he wanted to step in and mediate, but a single glance at Cedric's fierce expression kept him rooted to his seat.

Lady Isolde, who prided herself on her sharp tongue, found herself uncharacteristically speechless, her thoughts racing as she tried to process the situation.

Before the situation could escalate further, the doors to the throne room opened once more, and Queen Morgana entered. The council members breathed a collective, though silent, sigh of relief.

Her regal presence instantly commanded attention, her long, flowing gown whispering against the polished floor as she approached. Her expression was a mixture of sorrow and resolve, and her voice cut through the tension like a knife.

"Cedric!" Morgana's voice, though not raised, held the authority of a queen and the concern of a sister.

Cedric's fury faltered at the sight of her. "Do you want to start a war?" Morgana continued, her eyes flashing with emotion. "Do you think Eirik would agree to this marriage if he were so much against it? He sacrificed himself for our people, and you want to render his sacrifice meaningless?"

Cedric's anger wavered as he looked at his sister, his stormy expression softening at the sight of her distress. Morgana's voice cracked with emotion as she continued, "Why can't you think with your head for once and not with your fists?"

Her tears began to flow freely, and Cedric's heart clenched at the sight. He hated seeing his sister in such pain, and the reality of the situation began to weigh on him. Rushing to her side, he tried to comfort her. "Morgana, please, don't cry. I just want what's best for Eirik."

Morgana looked up at him, her eyes brimming with sorrow. "Do you think you love him more than we do? No one hates this more than we do, but our hands are tied. It's for the sake of our people."

Lord Cedric's anger slowly ebbed away, replaced by a deep sadness. He knew his sister was right, but the thought of his beloved nephew being sent to Zephyros was uunbearable

He glanced back at the king, his eyes still burning with intensity but now tinged with despair. "This is not over," he muttered, though his voice had lost some of its edge.

Morgana, sensing his inner turmoil, continued, her voice barely above a whisper, "I couldn't even send him off, out of shame. How could I face him, knowing we were sending him away like this?"

King Xavian, who had been silent during the exchange, finally spoke, his voice heavy with the weight of the decision. "We all feel the burden of this, Cedric. Eirik is strong. He will endure."

Cedric's gaze softened as he turned back to his sister. He wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders, holding her close. "Morgana, I know you are right. But it's hard to accept. Eirik deserves better than this."

Morgana nodded, her tears still flowing. "I know, brother. But we must trust in his strength and hope for the best."

The throne room, once filled with tension and anger, now held a heavy silence, punctuated only by Morgana's quiet sobs.

Lord Cedric, ever the fierce warrior, found himself at a loss in the face of his sister's sorrow. He continued to hold her, offering what little comfort he could.

The guards, having witnessed the entire scene, stood silently, their respect for the royal family deepening. They saw not just a king, a queen, and a former general, but a family torn apart by the cruel necessities of politics and duty.

Finally, Cedric spoke again, his voice low and rough with emotion. "I will not rest until I make sure that, Eirik is truly safe," he vowed, his eyes burning with renewed determination. "I will watch over him, even from afar. And should anything happen to him in Zephyros, I will hold those responsible accountable."

Xavian met his gaze, a silent understanding passing between them. "We will do everything in our power to ensure his safety," the king promised. "But for now, we must trust in Eirik's strength, and in the hope that this alliance will bring peace."