Chapter 18-[Her Nightdress slipped off]


Sansa smiled as she looked at the state of Valyria, her main objective, the healing fields. She had given much of her mana but it was almost complete.

Sam had upgraded and purified Valyria's hub and emergency exit.

Arthur had done the same except for the purification of the military camp.

Adam did the same with the market.

Danny had improved and purified the dragon training camp.

Jon had done the same with the fields and land of the commoners.

Now it was her turn to finish her work.

{Valyrian Healing Centers:


Update: Completed.

Homes/hospitals/rehabilitation centers/squares/biological practice fields/businesses. [100% activity.]


Totals: Activated 100%.

Potion making:

Herbalist centers/alchemy centers/laboratories/suppliers/towers. [100% activated.]


Homes/hospitals/rehabilitation centers/squares/biological practice fields/businesses.Herbalist centers/alchemical centers/laboratories/suppliers/towers. [100% activated.]

Purification: inactive}

The girl looked on with satisfaction, two months, but she finally had what she wanted, and without hesitation, she pressed on the inactive text.

{Purification improves the state of the environment to the best of its ability.

Air, water, earth, liquids for potions, earth for medicinal herbs.

Obtaining purification gives the option to absorb passive magic to turn it into magic fuel.

Cost: 20,000 liters of magic fuel.

Do you want to activate purification?}

The girl pressed yes. She felt a tremor hit her feet, everything went bright and the girl found herself in the white room, and she walked towards the computer.

{Congratulations, you have leveled up.

You have 4 skill points to spend.}

The girl looked at the player screen.

{Name: Sansa Stark

Level: 5

Skill Points 4

Exp: 0/250

You can spend four skill points.


White magic Level: 3

cost: 10-40 mana

Heal: heals minor wounds.

Remove Pain: Remove pain.

Stasis; puts a person into a deep sleep.

Flower Coat: Creates a layer of flowers that regenerate health quickly. Lasts twenty minutes.

Cure Poison: Cures poisons.

Cure Mind: Cure the mind from side effects of mental magic, or mental illness.

Relax mind: Relax the mind by making it calm.

Summon Potion: Summon a potion that restores a small portion of your health.

Sansa chose white magic.

You have selected White Magic.

Do you want to improve white magic to level 4?

The girl typed yes. And she felt a suffocating heat run through her.

White magic level: 4 acquired

White magic consumes a percentage of mana per cast, some spells are for attacking, some are for defense, others even have a time limit.

White magic Level: 4

cost: 40 mana

Cure Deficit: Removes fatigue.

Heal Field: Creates a healing field.

Summon Mana Potion: Summons a potion that restores 50 mana 

Cost per potion = 50 mana

The girl smiled and quickly pressed exit.

She opened her eyes and saw the sky was completely clear, all the buildings working, she wanted to go explore, but it was better to return to the center of Valyria and meet up with Jon.


Jon had told Sansa that two territories were missing, those were the land of the nobles, and the treasure room. He proposed they do it tomorrow.

The boy was lying down when there was a knock on his door, it opened and Danny walked in.

He was a little uncomfortable.

"Are you okay? " Jon asked.

The girl smiled at him and nodded.

"I wanted to ask to go with you tomorrow, there may be something I want to see," she whispered.

Jon nodded.

Danny kissed him before leaving his room.

Jon watched her leave before going to bed.

" She's acting strange," he thought.


Arya approached the port. She came upon a Bravos ship.

"I need to go to Bravos," the girl said.

A man saw her and laughed.

"Go home, girl," he told her.

Arya pulls out the coin Jaqen gave her.

" Valar Morghulis " she finished.

And the man took the coin in shock.

"Valar Dohaeris" he whispered.

He looked at the girl.

"Get on."


The boy and Danny rode at a breakneck speed, they reached their goal, the westernmost part of Valyria, near the volcanoes, or where they should be.

They arrived at the ruined city of the nobles, which had clearly been affected by the fall of Valyria more than all the other places.

"Should it be in one of the castles?" Jon asked, seeing gigantic buildings with fallen towers.

"Oh, the palaces" Danny muttered.

The boy sighed and took the girl's hand, and they went looking from place to place, they went through two destroyed palaces, a castle, a kind of market that was gigantic, and finally, a last one that looked like a kind of temple.

"It must be here" she murmured.

Jon agreed with her, he didn't have to think much and they reached the console, fortunately it was in the center of the temple.

They quickly reached it.

{Land of the Nobles and Treasure Room of Valyria:


Update: deactivated.


Totals: 100 percent activated.

Dragon Nests: deactivated.

Magic Factory: deactivated.

Treasure vaults: deactivated

Reconstructions: deactivated.

Purification: Inactive}

"So the treasure room is in the land of the nobles," Jon muttered.

"One of the castles probably," Danny said.

" Well let's get started," Jon said as he selected update.

{You have selected update.

The update brings improvements and resources to the noble land and treasure room.

Palaces/castles/houses/markets/squares/coliseum/military training camps/dragon camp/stables/mines.

Upgrade cost 100000 liters of magic fuel

Do you want to update?}

" One hundred thousand liters, that's a lot, how many do we have left? " Danny asked.

" A million or so, not counting the two hundred thousand in liabilities that were created after improving everything else," Jon answered and pressed yes.

A tremor shook the place, Danny fell. Jon caught her.

The girl looked and everything had changed. They could see the palaces, castles, and the splendor of the noble districts of Valyria.

Jon didn't let himself be caught by the beauty and continued.

{You have selected dragon nests.

Improving dragon nests, with magma from volcanoes, anti-fire utensils, dragon trials, dragon shelters, and dragon birth temples.

Upgrade cost 50000 liters of magic fuel

Do you want to update?}

He pressed yes.

A tremor appeared along with explosions, they saw in the distance what seemed to be smoke coming out of a crater in the distance.

{You have selected magic factory.

Magic factory upgrade, magic library upgrade, magic item crafting machine, magic smithy, magic item testing ground, magic shelter, dueling ground, magic school for nobles.

Upgrade cost 70000 liters of magic fuel

Do you want to update?}

This time Danny was the one who chose, she felt the wind change and envelop them.

{You have selected treasure vaults.

Upgrading Treasure Vaults, improves vault defenses, increases vault size, increases the number of current vaults, allows the administrator to manage vaults, creates portals from Treasure Vaults to the Coin Palace,

Upgrade cost 100000 liters of magic fuel

Do you want to update?}

Jon pressed yes, they felt a tremor, which shook everything, a bright light appeared in the middle of a palace and headed to the sky.

" That's where the vaults should be," Danny said.

{You have selected reconstructions.

The improved reconstructions are:

Palaces/Castles/Houses/Market/Squares/Coliseum/Military Training Grounds/Dragon Field/Stables/Mines/Dragon Nests/Dragon Shelter/Dragon Birth Temples/Magic Factory/Magic Libraries/Magic Shelter/Magic Smithy/Magic Item Testing Grounds/Dueling Ground/Magic School for Nobles/Treasure Vaults/Coin Palace.

Upgrade cost 500000 liters of magic fuel

Do you want to update?}

"Five hundred thousand liters, how much do we have left? " Danny asked.

"Not enough to purify" Jon muttered.

He pressed yes.

Danny and Jon fell to the ground from the tremor, the Magma came out of the surface, but did not reach them.

They gasped.

{The magic fuel cellar has been supplied

1,000,000 liters stored in the cellars of noble castles, passively.}

The boy looked in surprise and smiled.

[Purification improves the state of the environment to its best.

Air, water, earth, liquids for potions, earth for medicinal herbs.

Obtaining purification gives the option to absorb passive magic

To turn it into magic fuel

Cost: 20,000 liters of magic fuel.

Do you want to activate purification?}

The boy looked at Danny and nodded yes.

An explosion was heard and Jon fell to the ground, when the boy got up he was in the white room. He reached the computer and had reached level 12 with 5 skill points.

Jon walks out of the room. He sees Danny hugging him.

It was getting dark.

" Let's stay in a palace tonight, maybe tomorrow we can see the treasure room," she said without looking at his face.

Jon nodded, slammed his hands on the ground, and summoned a raven. He then wrote a note and the raven took it and flew away.

"For Sansa" Jon explains to her.

They went to a palace and walked around it. The boy looked at the bedrooms, which were gigantic, and the bathrooms had statues in the shape of dragons that sprayed hot water from their mouths into a gigantic bathtub.

Jon lay down and was preparing to sleep when there was a knock on his door.

It opened and the boy saw Danny enter dressed in a nightgown that reached to her thighs.

"Danny," he said.

She looked at him breathing heavily and he approached.

She kissed him as passionately as she could, Jon responded in kind.

A knowing look.

A smile.

And Danny's nightgown was removed.

[T/N: AAAAAAAAAAHAAHAAHAH! That, that, kind sucked. I guess the next chapters gonna have an +18 section. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi.]

[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic' or 'Searching in the Abyss']


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