
After an hour of straight suffering ( I say this literally) and pure agony under Tori's brushes, powders and closets ( yes. She has CLOSETS) I came out, half-eyed from the intense mascara she'd dabbed over my eyes, one legged from the fact that she'd forced me into her tightest pants and heavy-lipped from the lipstick she'd forced me to wear. Well, since I'm chewing it off already, that won't be a problem anymore.

" Come on." Tori said, waving me over to her large standing mirror. I staggered up to her, blinking so eyes my it felt as though my eyes were literally going to pop out. i stood and stared at my transformation, shocked.

My eyes were... smaller. And cuter with those lines she'd drawn across the bottom. And my lips seemed pouter than before. Sexy even ( Believe me THAT word is NOT in my dictionary). Mnd my hair... God what had she done to those unruly curls. They hanged down my back, not perfectly straight but calm still. I ran my hand through the rouge on my cheek, the dark gray eyeliner that made my eyes pop. Tori's pants were tight. Too tight but nice and fancy. Real fancy with glitters and stones all the way down in some fashionable curve. I looked... nice but not... me.

" What?" She sang, dancing around me with a powder brush " Its nice right?"

" Yeah sure" I twisted this way and that, giving her a cheeky smile " I mean, since you dressed me up like you..."

" Oh I wouldn't wear that sweater on top" She said, making a face " I mean that's a no-no for me" I laughed, pulling her hair.

" Now stop staring at yourself and lets go!" She yelled, pulling on my hoodie. I drew back, placing a hand on my waist and another in the air like a delicate butterfly.

" Now tell me what this look like" I pouted, drawing on my coolest face and laziest eyes and brushed my hair back " oh I'm so cool I'm practically frozen!"

Tori laughed, backing stuff into her bag " Oh don't tell me that's Maddie Roberts"

" Wow Tori, pretty accurate!" I did another turn, making googly eyes and giggling like a total boozoo. Tori doubled over in giggles.

" Oh dearie me, oh my!" I yelled in a whiny voice " Someone just coughed ten miles away from me! call 911!! Its a cleaning emergency!!"

" Oh you total goof!" Tori yelled, pulling my arm " 911 isn't a cleaning emergency line"

I made a face " You think Megan knows that?"

She nodded " I bet not!" She beamed at me and we linked hands, walking down the street and through the winding roads to the bus station.

Another day in the dreadful world of fashion. I gulped. No biggie.