Chapter 3

Where is this voice coming from? It sounds so familiar, like a lullaby,


"Ná Ní bheidh"

Lily's senses seemed to stretch beyond their usual bounds as she followed the haunting melody. The market was alive with the usual commotion—vendors calling out their wares, children laughing, and the rich scent of freshly baked bread wafting through the air. Yet, amidst this vibrant chaos, she felt a peculiar sense of isolation, as though the music was meant for her alone.

The melody, soft and soothing, wove through the air like a whisper. It seemed to call out to her with an almost maternal warmth, pulling her away from the bustling market and into the shadows of an alley. The path was narrow and dimly lit, with the stalls and chatter of the market fading into the distance. Her heart pounded with a mixture of curiosity and unease as she moved forward, drawn by the melody's gentle insistence.

"eagla ar na scáileanna,"

The alleyway narrowed further until Lily found herself standing on two stones that glowed faintly in the darkness. The world around her was pitch black, save for the illumination of these stones. Each step she took caused another stone to light up beneath her feet, guiding her forward. The song wrapped around her like a comforting embrace, reminiscent of her mother's lullabies. The melody spoke of reassurance and courage, creating a sense of safety and belonging that contrasted sharply with the eerie darkness.

"I an am is dorcha, "

She continued walking, her steps careful but determined. The stones seemed to lead her deeper into the unknown, yet each new stone illuminated felt like a promise of something significant. The melody grew clearer, its words resonating deeply within her. The rhythm and tone made her feel as though she were floating on a sea of serene dreams.

"Is é grá an cosán,"

It's strange to feel a sense of belonging. She steps forward and another stone illuminates.

"Beidh do chroí"

She walks for what seems like an eternity

"a solas ar an mbealach."

Eventually, the path ended in a small, glowing grove. At the center stood a cherry blossom tree, its blossoms radiating a soft, otherworldly light that cut through the darkness. The tree's petals shimmered like tiny stars, casting a gentle glow that illuminated the surroundings with a tranquil beauty. The sight was mesmerizing, and Lily felt an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder. She gently reaches out in amazement as a petal floats to her hand. The moment it touches her palm, she wakes. The song now stuck in her head, haunting her.


Ná ní bheidh eagla ar na scáileanna,

I an am is dorcha,

Is é grá an cosán,

Beidh do chroí a solas ar an mbealach.




Stephen leans forward carefully to reach the juicy peach without falling out of the tree. The tip of his fingers almost gets it. Sighing he sits back against the trunk of the tree. Being stubborn, he leans forward as he tries the spell Sivak just taught them.


Deep breath.

Hand out, palm facing up.

 Focus on the peach.

 " Le mo chumhacht tá an peach seo i mo lámh"


To his amazement, the peach appears in his open hand. Pleased with himself, he takes a huge bite from it. With juice dripping down his tunic, he leans back and looks out over the treetops. This time of the year used to be his favorite. The fog tends to slowly roll down the mountainside to cover the valley in a mystical blanket. The trees start to change in color. The leaves become a sight of golden yellows, fiery reds, and burnt oranges that surround the silver and blue ribbons in the memory tree. These changes mean the harvest market and festival will be starting in a few weeks. Travelers from all over come to Silvahora to stock up for winter and feast.




Something hard hits him in the head and he desperately grabs his branch to keep from falling. He looks down to find Lilly standing with her hands on her hips.


"Serves you right! I've been hollerin' at you for the last five minutes!" Lilly yells up at him as she reaches down for another peach, priming to throw it.


"Hold it, alright! I'm comin'!" He retorts as he nimbly makes his way to the bottom of the tree. "You needn't throw another peach at me."


"While you've been dilly-dallying up in the trees, Da said to meet him in the library," Lilly tells him as she turns to head to the memory tree.


Once inside they see their Da and Sivak having tea by the fireplace. Sivak breaks from the conversation to welcome them. "How does he always do that?" Stephen whispers.


"Because it's my business to be aware of my surroundings. Something you will learn over time." Sivak replies. " With the council's return in a few weeks, it is imperative for you to be careful."


Darick motioned for them to sit before saying, " I must return to Emberly to attend some business. Tendai needs my help. You are 17 now and that means the council will pay extra attention to you. Most kids your age are just learning to use their stronger abilities. Without discipline it's difficult to hide." 


"Do your best to stay under the radar. Do just enough to show you have basic magic but not enough that they want to see more. If anything happens to where they are interested in you, you MUST come here immediately after. " Sivak adds.


Lilly and Stephen glanced at each other. They've successfully avoided the council since their Ma disappeared. But their Da was never this concerned. Nor was Sivak for the matter. That old man was tough as nails. The concern brought an aura with it, that everything was about to change.

Darick took a moment to look at both his children, standing with Sivak in the warm glow of the hearth. Lily and Stephen, though young, had faces set with determination. Their mother's absence was a wound they both carried, and he could see the weight of it in their eyes. He knelt, drawing them both into a tight embrace.

"I need you both to be strong," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Sivak will take good care of you, and you'll learn things that will help keep you safe. Remember, no matter what happens, your mother and I love you more than anything." 

Stephen, trying to be brave, nodded. "We'll be strong, Da. We promise."

Lily clung to him a moment longer, then leaned back, wiping a tear from her cheek. "Come back soon, Da."

Darick kissed the top of her head, then stood and turned to Sivak. "Keep them safe. Train them well."

Sivak nodded, his face serious. "You have my word. They'll be ready."

With one last look at his children, Darick took a deep breath and whispered the incantation that would transport him to Emberly. The room filled with a warm, golden light, and in an instant, he was gone.

Sivak watched the light fade, then turned to the children. "Come. We have much to do."


The days following Darick's departure were filled with rigorous training and study. Sivak wasted no time continuing their lessons, knowing every moment was precious. The mornings started with physical conditioning—running, climbing, and exercises designed to build their strength and agility.

Stephen took to the physical training with a fervor that was both impressive and inspiring. From the moment Sivak introduced him to the regimen, it was clear that Stephen's natural athleticism was an asset. His lithe, muscular frame moved with agility and precision, making him a quick learner in all aspects of combat training.

Each morning began with a grueling series of exercises designed to build strength and endurance. Stephen would run through the fields surrounding the Memory Tree, his legs pumping as he raced against the wind. He practiced climbing ropes and scaling obstacles, his determination pushing him to new heights each day. The early morning fog would often cling to his skin, but he welcomed the challenge, finding solace in the rhythm of his breath and the steady beat of his heart.

In hand-to-hand combat training, Stephen's raw energy was harnessed into disciplined technique. Sivak taught him a range of strikes, blocks, and grappling moves, emphasizing the importance of leverage and timing. Stephen absorbed the lessons with a focus that belied his age, his quick reflexes and sharp mind enabling him to adapt to Sivak's instruction with remarkable speed. Each sparring session was a test of skill and endurance, and Stephen thrived on the challenge, his enthusiasm never waning even as sweat poured down his face.

Swordplay was another area where Stephen excelled. With a wooden practice sword in hand, he learned to balance precision and power. Sivak guided him through the intricate footwork and fluid movements required to master the blade. Stephen's strikes became faster and more controlled, his form improving with each passing day. He developed a rhythm with the sword that seemed almost instinctual, as if he had been born with it in his hand. The clang of wood on wood echoed through the training grounds, a testament to his growing prowess.

Archery was perhaps Stephen's favorite discipline. Sivak had set up a series of targets at varying distances, and Stephen would spend hours honing his aim. He took pride in the way his arrows flew true, their path unerring as they struck the bullseye. The feel of the bowstring against his fingers and the whisper of the arrow in flight became second nature to him. Each successful shot built his confidence, and he reveled in the satisfaction of hitting his mark with consistent accuracy.

As the weeks went by, Stephen's transformation was evident. His physique grew more defined, and his movements more fluid. The physical training not only strengthened his body but also fortified his spirit. He carried himself with a new level of confidence, his posture straight and his gaze steady. The once timid boy was becoming a skilled fighter, his enthusiasm tempered with the discipline of a true warrior.

But it wasn't just the physical changes that marked Stephen's progress. His understanding of strategy and tactics deepened, and he began to see the broader implications of his training. He learned to anticipate his opponent's moves, to use the environment to his advantage, and to remain calm under pressure. Each lesson with Sivak added layers to his knowledge and skill, preparing him for the challenges that lay ahead.

Through it all, Stephen never lost sight of the reason behind his training. The memory of his mother's sacrifice and the looming threat of the Council drove him to push beyond his limits. He trained not just for himself but for his sister, for their family, and for the future they hoped to protect.