Fifteen years had flown by in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a legacy of growth and change.
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying's children had grown into strikingly handsome young men. Lan Sizhui, with his calm demeanor, mirrored his father's composure. Lan Hua, embodying traits from both parents, exhibited a blend of serenity and mischief. Their younger sister Lan Li, inheriting her mother/father's vivacious spirit, was a constant reminder of Wei Ying's enduring presence.
Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng's children had also matured. Lan Jingyi, resembling his father in both looks and temperament, was a calming influence on his cousins. Lan Yu, a blend of her parents' qualities, cherished her bond with her cousins and adored her Uncle Lan Zhan.
Their family gatherings, filled with happy and stories, were a testament to the deep connections that bound them all.
Lan Xichen poured the hot tea into two delicate porcelain cups, the fragrant steam curling upwards. Lan Zhan took his cup, nodding in gratitude before sipping the tea.
The Hanshi room was quiet and serene, a perfect setting for the two brothers to discuss sect matters.
When they had finished discussing the sect's affairs, Xichen offered more tea, knowing that this would allow him a chance to talk to his younger brother about a more personal matter.
He poured another cup for Lan Zhan and refilled his own.
"Didi," Lan Xichen began, his tone gentle yet filled with concern. Lan Zhan looked up from his tea, meeting his brother's eyes.
"Wangji, I'm just wondering and concerned for you. Are you really okay having your rut alone?" Lan Xichen's voice was tentative, trying to tread carefully around the sensitive topic.
Lan Zhan's expression remained calm, though his eyes hardened slightly. "Xiongzhang does not need to worry. Since Wei Ying's absence, I only experience my rut once a year, and I will continue to manage myself until he returns."
Lan Xichen took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his brother's unwavering loyalty. "Didi, allow me to finish. What I mean is—"
"No," Lan Zhan interrupted, his voice firm but respectful. "I know why Xiongzhang is saying this, but my answer is never. I will not mate with anyone else or have my rut with another.
Wei Ying is...and will always be my love and mate."
Lan Xichen sighed, recognizing the resolve in Lan Zhan's eyes. He knew his brother well enough to understand that Wangji would rather remain alone than replace Wei Ying. The bond between them was unbreakable, and Lan Zhan's dedication was absolute.
"I understand, Wangji," Lan Xichen said softly. "I just worry for you. I want you to be happy."
Lan Zhan gave a small, sad smile. "My happiness is with Wei Ying. I believe he will come back to me."
The matter was left to rest, as Lan Xichen knew pressing further would only cause more pain.
He admired his brother's unwavering faith and loyalty, even as it broke his heart to see him endure such loneliness. Wangji would indeed prefer dying single than having anyone else replace his beloved Wei Ying
One evening, after a day filled with sect matters and classes, Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen sat together in a quiet corner of the Jingshi.
The serene atmosphere was a welcome respite from their busy lives. The two brothers, ever close despite the years and responsibilities, enjoyed these moments of casual conversation.
Lan Xichen, observing his brother's peaceful demeanor, couldn't help but wonder about the unshakable faith Lan Zhan had maintained over the years. The belief that Wei Ying, despite everything, was still out there, waiting to return.
"Wangji," Lan Xichen began, his voice gentle with curiosity, "you've spent all these years yearning for Wei Childe's return. I've often wondered...what makes you so certain that he is still alive and will come back to us?"
Lan Zhan's gaze softened, a sad smile playing on his lips. He reached up and touched the side of his neck, revealing a unfaded and unmistakable mark...a symbol of his bond with Wei Ying.
"This mark," he said quietly, "has never faded. It's a sign that Wei Ying's soul is still out there, waiting."
Lan Xichen's eyes widened as he took in the significance of the mark. "You've carried this belief for so long. It must mean a great deal to you."
Lan Zhan nodded, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions. "Yes. Even in the darkest times, this mark has been my guiding light, assuring me that Wei Ying is still with us in some form."
Lan Xichen placed a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "Your faith is remarkable, Wangji. I hope that, someday, you'll be reunited with Wei Childe."
As the evening deepened, the two brothers sat in quiet reflection, their bond strengthened by shared memories and unwavering hope. Meanwhile, their children continued to forge their paths, unaware of the profound conversations their fathers had, but feeling the love and hope that resonated within their family.
Lan Qiren had always been a pillar of strength and wisdom for the Lan Clan. Though age had brought with it a slower pace, his spirit remained as vibrant as ever.
His five grand-nephews, each embodying a unique blend of their parents' traits, adored him. His frequent trips to Lan Ling, where he attended to elder matters, had become a cherished routine, often accompanied by his grand-nephews.
This particular evening, after an eventful day at the Lotus Pier with Jiang Cheng, Lan Qiren had returned to Cloud Recesses and gathered his nephews Lan Sizhui, Lan Hua, Lan Jingyi, Lan Yu, and Lan Li.
The young men and woman gathered around him in the garden, their faces alight with curiosity and anticipation.
Lan Qiren, despite his years, had a boundless energy when it came to his grand-nephews. He regaled them with tales of his youth, shared snippets of wisdom, and enjoyed their animated discussions. Tonight, however, he seemed more reflective than usual.
Lan Sizhui, ever perceptive, noticed the change. "Shu gong, is something on your mind?" he asked, his voice gentle.
Lan Qiren looked at his grand-nephews with a fond smile. "Indeed, Sizhui. I was thinking about the many years I have spent with you all. It's been a privilege to watch you grow into such fine young people."
Lan Hua, who had been playfully teasing Lan Jingyi, grew serious. "Are you worried about something, Shu gong?"
Lan Qiren shook his head. "Not worried, just contemplative. There is a matter I've been meaning to discuss with you all."
Lan Yu and Lan Li exchanged curious glances. "What is it?" Lan Yu asked.
Lan Qiren took a deep breath. "As you know, I've taken you on many journeys, showing you the world beyond Cloud Recesses. It's my way of ensuring that you understand and appreciate the broader world, not just our own. But there is one thing that transcends all of this—our family's legacy and the bond we share."
Lan Jingyi, always thoughtful, nodded. "We understand, Shu gong. It's important to know our roots and carry forward the values that our family stands for."
Lan Qiren's eyes twinkled with approval. "Exactly. And as I grow older, I want to ensure that you all continue to uphold the principles that have guided our clan. Honor, respect, and loyalty to each other and to those we hold dear."
Lan Hua, who had been quiet, spoke up. "We will, Shu gong. We promise to honor our family's legacy."
Lan Qiren's gaze softened as he looked at each of his grand-nephews and grand-niece. "Thank you. Your parents and I have always strived to pass on these values. It gives me great joy to see you embody them so well."
As the evening progressed, the group continued their conversation, sharing stories, dreams, and plans for the future. Lan Qiren, surrounded by his beloved grand-nephews and grand-niece, felt a deep sense of contentment. The bonds of family, strengthened through shared experiences and mutual respect, were a testament to the enduring legacy of the Lan Clan.
As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Lan Qiren knew that the future of his family was in capable hands. His grand-nephews and grand-niece, each unique in their own right, would carry forward the traditions and values that had shaped their family for generations.
The Celestial Realm had been a place of tranquility and rest for Wei Ying, but the time for his slumber was drawing to an end.
The Jade Emperor, who had always held a special fondness for the mortal, decided it was time to rouse Wei Ying from his long rest.
The Jade Emperor summoned Boashan Sanren to his grand hall. Boashan, having become accustomed to the Jade Emperor's ways, arrived expecting to receive a mission or some form of celestial duty. However, the Jade Emperor's demeanor was unusually solemn.
"Boashan," the Jade Emperor began, his voice carrying a note of urgency, "I have called you here for something of great significance."
Boashan raised an eyebrow, curious. "What is it, Your Majesty?"
The Jade Emperor gestured toward a shimmering portal that led to Wei Ying's resting place.
"We are going to wake Wei Ying."
Boashan's eyes widened in surprise. "But… he has been resting for fifteen years. Are you certain this is the right time?"
The Jade Emperor nodded, his gaze firm yet tender. "It is time. His soul has lingered long enough, and I feel a connection that compels me to act."
Together, they stepped through the portal, arriving at the room where Wei Ying lay in his ethereal slumber.
The Jade Emperor approached Wei Ying's form, his presence radiating a sense of purpose and authority. He extended his hand, drawing upon his immense celestial power.
A soft, resonant hum filled the room as the Jade Emperor's power enveloped Wei Ying.
Boashan watched in silence, her heart racing with anticipation. The energy intensified, and to their astonishment, Wei Ying's form began to shift. His body, still wrapped in the celestial light, started to transform.
In a blinding surge of red and black light, Wei Ying's form changed, and he rose into the air, his wolf form emerging with fierce intensity. The celestial room was filled with a swirling tempest of light and energy, the force of it palpable.
The Jade Emperor's eyes widened in alarm. The sight before him was far from what he had expected. Wei Ying's transformation was not smooth; the chaotic energy radiating from him suggested something was terribly wrong.
The Jade Emperor's face turned pale with concern. "This isn't right. His soul is struggling… Boashan, we need to bring his soul mate from the mortal realm immediately. There is no time to lose!"
Boashan nodded, her heart pounding with urgency. She quickly turned and activated a powerful summoning spell, reaching out to the mortal realm, where Lan Zhan awaited. As the spell took effect, Boashan prepared to bring Lan Zhan to the Celestial Realm, hoping he would arrive in time to calm Wei Ying and restore balance.
The Jade Emperor, frowned his brow, Boashan, he called her name, "What are you doing,? We don't have the time to summoned and wait for him to be immortal and arrived, of course you will go back to the mortal realm and teleported him here...i mean right Now."
He yalled the last word, and Boashan vanished before he blinks his eyes.
The Jade Emperor, fraught with worry, watched over Wei Ying's turbulent form, his celestial aura casting an eerie glow around the room.
The fate of Wei Ying now depended on the swift arrival of his soul mate and the restoration of harmony.