He Fell Behind

"Where is the Prince?" I asked, spinning around and walking out of the cockpit. I consoled myself that I wasn't looking behind me as the commune came down, but I was looking straight ahead. I still fulfilled the promise to myself that I wouldn't turn around and look behind me. "I'm ready to leave this place."


"I think Vi'dta is still out looking for your leaders," grunted Zua'the as he unclipped his seatbelt and stood up. Reaching up over his head, he pulled down a bag. Opening it up, he handed me a silver wrapped energy bar. "Eat something; it might take a while. We can also adjust one of the seats to create a bed for you if you become too tired."


I looked up at the massive purple demon, studying his face, horns, and the chin strap he had along his lower jaw. His shoulders were so massive that it appeared he didn't have a neck at all, and the black talons coming from his fingers were the length of the energy bar.