The Creature In The Pool  

"There is a creature in your pool that tried to eat our mate," repeated Axis when no one responded to him the first time. In their defense, it was probably an abrupt change in topics.


"Not possible," grunted Ba'dqeel after a moment, blinking rapidly. I almost felt sorry for the male. He seemed to thrive in a controlled environment that was predictable. Ever since he found me, his life has been anything but controlled and predictable. "I would know if there was a creature in the Ambassador's pool. Besides, it has been over a solar rotation since anyone had even gone into the pool. If there were something in it, it would be long dead by now."


"No," grunted Axis, coming to stand behind me. "We know for a fact that there is something inside that pool because, as I said earlier, it tried to eat our mate."


Ba'dqeel shifted uncomfortably in his chair as he looked at me. He opened his mouth a few times to speak before quickly shutting it again.