Done In Darkness  

Yaun'dcha rubbed his forehead, praying to all the Gods, both new and old, for the patience to deal with the male on the comms.


"I don't think that is a good idea," he said, his mind whirling as he tried to come up with a plan. It couldn't be obvious; his father would pick up on anything outside the norm. But he also refused to let his father near the female.


"Want to try that again, youngling?" sneered Vu'tuip, and Yaun'dcha knew that if the other male could, he would reach through the comms to kill him. "Are you telling me that I can't do something?"


"Not at all," replied Yaun'dcha, once again rubbing his head. This time, the pain was coming right at the base of his left horn. "What I am saying is that we need to keep you out of the royals' line of sight for as long as possible. If you went from being invisible to constantly in the ambassador's house, it would look suspicious and potentially put your plan in danger."