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I had to bite back a laugh as He'dtaalh raised a single eyebrow in surprise. It was starting to become their own language, males and eyebrows, and I couldn't say that I hated it.


"If you honestly didn't see me standing beside the Ambassador, then I think you should either visit a healer to get your eyes checked out or go back to training. Either way, you both are failing miserably at your duty," sneered He'dtaalh.


"I am sorry to inform you of this, Commander, but as Royal Warriors, we no longer fall under your umbrella. The only one we take orders from is the Rein, and he has stated that he will not be receiving any visitors today," snapped the guard on the right, his face dropping as He'dtaalh raked him across the coals.


I wanted to tell him that he had it easy, that I knew males who could tear flesh off with their tongues, but I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to get involved.