A Pleasure To Meet You  

God always answered my prayers, even if I didn't appreciate it at the time.


I was in labor for two days, the contractions spaced out just far enough to keep me in a constant state of pain, but I wasn't dilated enough to get the good drugs to take away the pain.


Ba'dqeel, Zua'the, and Zuhn'thian were the first ones back as they rushed into the delivery room one after another, their breaths coming out in pants. Ba'dqeel took one look at me and demanded that Healer Yuyealth take away my pain, but according to the good doctor, it was too soon.


Axis was the next one to arrive in the labor room a day later as he demanded to see the babies. The sigh of relief he let out when he learned that they weren't here yet was almost as big as his freak out over the fact that they weren't here yet.