Piece 3 (part 1)

After the plan was settled, Mom turned her cold eyes back to the dragon.


For a moment, I saw the wings on her back grew ten times larger. In an instant, she disappeared from her position.






The sound of a powerful punch was heard right after Mom disappeared, and the dragon god was punched all the way to the city walls behind him.


The dragon's gigantic body was punched far back and crashed into the thick tall walls, completely destroying everything that is over there. The punch sends out a powerful shockwave that flattens almost every building around us that are still standing, and I became widely shocked at how fast and powerful everything happened.


Flying in the distance is a devil disguised as an angel. The bright golden wings of light are flapping to keep her in the air, while the red hair is waving around madly due to the harsh wind. Her fist is smoking from how powerful that punch was just now, and her eyes are locked towards the dragon that is recovering from the punch.





Before the dragon god can even stand back up properly, a bright golden sun has fallen right on top of him and exploded. The golden sun seemed to be made of light magic, and the powerful explosion turned the whole night sky brightly.


Seeing the blinding light, Dad quickly covered my face with his hand so that I wouldn't get blinded. Meanwhile, I was far too shocked to realize the hand that is blocking my view.

"Let's get out of here… your mom is quite scary when she gets angry." Dad commented awkwardly after seeing Mom's godlike blast just now, and I can only imagine how the dragon god becomes after being exploded like that.


I noticed the tension around me rose again, and I realized it came from Dad. From the corner of my eyes, I saw a black object gradually moving behind Dad, and I noticed exactly what they were.


It's… a pair of wings? A black shadow wing!? Dad can fly too!?


"Have you ever flown in the air before, Milly?" Dad asked as he began walking towards the ledge of the castle that is now barely standing. And with me still being carried in his arms, I just shook my head.


My eyes studied the world around me now that we are out in the open, and I became surprised by what I saw. Tons of black shadow strings are around us, almost covering the entire castle. From the looks of it, the strings seemed to be keeping the castle standing, because it looked so badly ruined that it could probably fall at any point in time.


"First flight, then! I hope you're not scared of heights!" Dad said to me as he began flapping his wings, and as the wings grew more powerful with each flap, we began to get lifted from the ground.


Beforelong, we are meters up in the air from the castle. I can see the entire kingdom from this height, and I noticed the battle between Mom and the dragon god has moved outside the city, to the field beyond the castle walls.




Powerful explosions can be found occurring in the distance, and I realized the gigantic dragon god is currently facing one singular opponent: My mom. She is just so powerful that she can go toe to toe with a gigantic dragon god like that…


"I-Is Mom going to be okay?" I asked out of worry, and Dad laughed a little.


"She'll be fine! But, she'll run out of stamina faster than the dragon, so I will have to go and help her out. Do you mind watching us from the castle walls, maybe?" Dad asked while turning his gaze to the northern castle walls, quite far to where Mom and the dragon god are fighting on the east.



"All right. There's a few people there. They can look after you for a bit." Dad said as he began flapping his wings towards the north, and I didn't even realize there were people above the castle walls.


As we got closer, I realized that there were indeed people above this castle wall. There's three of them, and I recognized the man who was standing in the middle.


"Is that Uncle John?" I asked after seeing the carriage driver uncle who has helped me get to Veldonia many times, and Dad realized that I am quite well acquainted with that person.

"Oh? Are you close with him?"

"Yes. Uncle John has helped me get to Veldonia from Cytus many times."

"Oh~. Wait, Cytus!? You were staying at Cytus??"


"Y-Yes. What's wrong?"


My mentioning of Cytus seemed to be quite the trouble for Dad. He seemed rather annoyed by something, and I didn't understand why. 


I can also infer that he must've not been aware of all the times I've talked to him and Mom when he was turned into a statue. I mentioned many times to him about how I was staying in Cytus, so he must've been unable to hear me. Because, obviously, they were frozen into stone.


"Here!!!" From above the super tall and massive castle wall, Uncle John waved his hand around as he shouted. 


Next to him, a pair of men in black robed attires seemed to be waiting calmly as Dad and I arrived in front of them. Dad's feet landed carefully on top of the castle walls, and his hands finally allowed me to be lowered from his arms.


My god, my legs felt like trembling… Dad was carrying me for so long.




Once again, the night skies turned bright. The dragon has many times tried to fly up into the air, but kept on getting pushed down by explosions. Seeing what's going on, I can hear Dad clicking his tongue.


"He's trying to escape. I'm sorry, but I'll leave my daughter to you three." Dad said in such a different tone than before to the three people in front of him, and I didn't even realize everyone was kneeling.


The two robed men as well as Uncle John are all kneeling at him. It's like they are his underlings, and I can only imagine how.

"""Yes, my lord.""" The three answered at the same time, and Dad nodded firmly. He gave me one last smile before he spanned his wings open.

"I'll see you soon, Milly." Dad said so softly, very different from the tone he used to the three men behind me. I nodded at him with a smile as well, and he began flying upwards to aid Mom.


"Milly, are you okay?" Behind me, Uncle John walked closer, and I realized he was worried about my well being.

"I'm fine--"




Oh… My… God…


Now that Dad is no longer next to me, I am no longer protected from the deadly pressure that is being released into the air. Now that he has joined the battle, the previous pressure has now increased, turning it a lot heavier than before.


My senses are screaming very loudly. It tells me to escape. It tells me to run. Run as far away as possible from any of those three.


Right now… the dragon god isn't even the scariest entity that is present. Both Mom and Dad… they are not regular humans, after all.


"Milly!! Wake up!!" In front of me, Uncle John is trying very hard to snap me out of my daze. I quickly realized that I was staring blankly at the battle happening in the distance, and I turned my gaze to Uncle John.

"I-I'm awake…"

"Let's get out of here. You won't be able to stand the pressure--"

"No. No, I'd… I'd like to stay." I quickly said as I stepped forward, and Uncle John only stared at my back as I approached the edge of the wall.


From up here, the battle is very-very visible. Everything that happened, they are all easily viewable from here. And from here, I can easily tell that the battle happening is by no means a battle between man and monster.


It's the battle of gods. No human can ever launch a gargantuan light bomb like that. No dragon can ever cast such a powerful fire breath that quickly. No normal human can create hundreds of portals in the air while taking out energy weapons from them.


Those people… those gods… it's like a battle of the heavens.


I have seen sparring between two knights before. It was a show on the road that was held by the local military officers, and there was a pair of knights that were facing each other using real swords against each other. It was a wonderful battle, and the people who watched it were quite thrilled by the intensity of the battle.


'Intense' cannot even be used to describe the intensity of this battle. It is just on another world of levels completely.




As transcendental as it is, the battle was surprisingly one sided. It could be because Mom and Dad are two separate entities that the dragon is having problems facing. It could also be because they are both very small compared to the dragon that is incredibly large.


It's like facing a pair of really aggressive flying cockroaches. Except the cockroaches can shoot light beams at you as well as turn gravity around.


The dragon god, Harbinger, was hailed to be the most dangerous monster that has ever existed on this land. It is ranked at the highest of the pyramid, far above the monsters that were beneath it. It is titled a 'God' for a reason.


And yet, that very dragon god is being bullied mercilessly by my parents. The emperor and empress of a fallen kingdom.


Who could've known why they were so infuriated towards the dragon? I definitely wouldn't know.