Piece 12 (part 1)

The act of taking a life isn't something that anyone should consider lightly. But for me, it felt like it was something I naturally have to do.


When I first held a sword, I knew right away what the purpose of it was. It is a weapon that is meant to harm others, to kill, to take the life of the enemy who wished to do the same to me. It is only a weapon of self defense when the enemy wishes to harm me, but overall, it is still an object to harm others.


"You're really talented, Milly! It's definitely one in a million!" My master commented after I trained with him for a few days, and at the time, I was only around six years old.


I just got into school, and I was still in my first year. I was a little concerned that Uncle Althorn was only complimenting me because I was young, but after a while, I realized that he was telling the truth.


I was talented. Too talented. So badly talented that it's just so sickening to have this much power in my blood.


As such, when the time came when I needed to 'Not' be talented the most, there was nothing I could do.


"Milly… you killed them all?" Master Althorn asked with such a concerned look, and I only stood in the midst of multiple dead bodies surrounding me.


I only turned my confused stare at him, not realizing how much blood is currently sticking onto my skin and clothes. The long sword that is in my hand is completely drenched. With all those things on my body, I just tilted my head to him slightly.


"Are they not the bad guys?"

I was only six years old. However, a simple week of training had turned me into a monster.


I was always afraid of what I could do. That feeling when I held a sword, I'm always worried that I might go back to that time again when it happened. However, I can never guess that such a time could arrive this soon.


With the sword in my hand, I started sharply towards the enemy that is in front of me. His whole body is protected by a complete set of armor, and an entire group of knights are right behind him.


And I knew, at this moment, my goal isn't to survive or to defeat them.


My goal is to kill them, and I fear… that the goal will be achieved.






"Millis. Do you mind calling your mom over?"


From the diner, the soft voice of the middle aged woman called for me, and I nodded to Miss Fiona who was enjoying a cup of coffee.


School has ended, and I just got back from school. It's currently nearing the afternoon, and so far, things have been great.


Roy becoming a student at my school has once again made me glad that there's more people who are close to me than just Nile. As for Nile, she is rather annoyed that I'm even spending time with Roy instead of her today, but that's just Nile being Nile.


Mom and Dad have been busy with their jobs. Every day after walking me home from school, Dad always left again to continue his construction work. Apparently he was using his break time so he can walk me home, and I was a little concerned that he doesn't get an actual break time. But, he insisted, saying that walking me home is more important than his job.


Mom on the other hand is getting better at working at the diner. She still can't cook, but she has been quite good at doing everything else. She still occasionally drops a plate or two, but I think that's quite normal for someone who just started like her.


Uncle Althorn, Miss Fiona, and Miss Noire has been visiting more. Miss Fiona and Miss Noire was staying at Cytus for a few more days before they had to go back to their previous place, but my bet is that they probably won't be staying at that place for long anyways. The three has been discussing with Mom and Dad about how they can bring back Veldonia, but that's their concern.


My concern is to just simply enjoy it all.


"Mom. Miss Fiona is looking for you." I said to Mom at the kitchen, and she stopped cleaning the dishes at the sink. She turned her confused gaze to Miss Fiona, who was lifting her coffee cup at Mom.


"Coffee time. Do you mind continuing the dishes for me?" Mom asked me, and I nodded. She left the kitchen and went to sit with Miss Fiona while I continued where Mom left off with washing the dishes.


While washing a plate, I noticed that my hand felt a little weird. It feels like it's too slippery, more slippery than usual. I was starting to wonder what happened to the calluses on my palms, but I guess it sure has been a while since I last swung a sword.


I'm so out of practice, huh? But, who can blame me? Both my mom and dad came back to life. I just didn't have time to practice anymore.


After washing the dishes, I went back inside the house and headed to my bedroom. I took out Uncle Althorn's birthday gift from under my bed, which I purposely put there because I don't have any other space to put it in.


I opened the box, and my eyes studied the black sword and sheath that is within it. I carefully pulled the sword out of the box, and I tried pulling the blade out of the sheath slightly so I could see the shiny metal.


It's actually colored red, and it is so well done. Uncle Althorn wasn't joking when he said this thing is expensive.


"Mom, I'm going out for a while." I said to Mom as I headed out, and Mom stood up after hearing it.

"W-Where are you going?" Mom asked with such worry, and I guess this is the first time I'm going to a place without Mom or Dad.


"Just a little practice~." I said while waving the black sheathed sword that is in my hand, and Mom opened her eyes widely.


"I'm coming with you--"

"She's twelve, Liza." On the table, Miss Fiona said rather coldly to Mom, and Mom turned her concerned gaze to her.


Miss Fiona studied my appearance for only a split second. She then laughed as she drank a bit of the coffee in her hand.


"If what I hear is correct, I think you have nothing to worry about." Miss Fiona said after thinking for a bit, but Mom is rather stubborn.


"What if she hurts herself?"

"I think I'm more concerned with who might face her rather than her harming herself. If you don't trust me, trust Althorn, who was her teacher. She's not a baby anymore." Miss Fiona explained precisely what Mom needed to hear, and Mom only turned to me with a concerned gaze.


"Can't I come with you?" Mom asked with such a pleading tone, but Miss Fiona slapped her coffee cup on the table.


"No!! Leave her alone! I need you right here!!" Miss Fiona ended up barking at her, and I just chuckled seeing Mom so displeased.


"I'll be fine, Mom. I can show you and Dad what I can do later on." I said confidently, and Mom nodded firmly.

"That's a promise."


After bidding farewell, I started a light jog on the street. It's not exactly common to be carrying around a weapon like this, but just in case, I put it on my magical storage ring. I don't want people to misunderstand me because I'm carrying a weapon with me.


I headed out the front gate of the city, and I arrived at a rather dense forest that is outside the city. This is the place where I've always trained my sword, and any time I am simply unleashing my pent up emotions, I just hit the tree with my training stick.


Speaking of my training stick, it was actually a wooden sword that my master, Uncle Althorn, gave me many years ago. It's so chipped and nearly broken that it can no longer be called a wooden sword. It's also buried on the ground right by a certain tree, and I had to dig it up every time I wanted to train with it.


But, I don't have to use the training stick anymore. I have an even better replacement.




As the mighty red sword slices the air, the sound it makes was a wonderful joy to the ear. The shining reflection of the afternoon sunlight was certainly nice to look at, and I can't believe Uncle Althorn got me such an expensive weapon.




The sound of the bushes moving was heard, and I pointed my weapon towards the source. However, what came out of it was a man wearing a full black outfit.


O-Oh. A shadow knight?


"Good afternoon, your highness. I apologize for disturbing you."


"Is there something… you need?" I awkwardly asked, because this was the very first time a shadow knight has appeared in front of me with just the two of us.


"His majesty, your father, wishes to know what you're doing in the forest. He was concerned when he heard you leaving the diner." The shadow knight explained, and I realized this must be Dad's doing.

"Aha… Let me guess. Dad told you guys to keep an eye on me."


"As we have been doing for the past ten years, my lady. I hope you don't feel too burdened by it." The shadow knight informed me, and I understood that it was something I should get used to. Surprisingly, I don't really mind it.


"Tell him I'm just training swords. If you guys have been watching me for so long, then you'd know that this is what I've been doing in my free time."

"As you wish, my lady. I'll also let his majesty know regarding your habit." The shadow knight said before he leaped away silently, into the shadows that he was. And once he left, I turned my gaze to the ground.


W-Woah… that was sick.


The way he respected me so deeply… It really felt like I had a lot of power. It's certainly surprising that someone that capable is just listening to your every command. It's scary to an extent, but a welcomed one.


Okay. Let's focus once more.