
I lean against the window ledge, looking out at the school grounds below. It's only been a week since the villain attack, but the school has already been fully repaired as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly, a group of students walk by, chatting amongst themselves, but one sentence catches my attention. "Did you hear about the villain that attacked our school? I heard he had a heart attack!"

As the students continue talking and gossiping about the villain, I can't help but feel a mix of satisfaction and guilt. I know the truth of what really happened, but no one else does. I had erased the concept of the villain's existence, making it so that he had never even lived at all.

I take a long sip of the juice I'm holding, savoring the sweetness and refreshing taste. It's a simple pleasure, but it's enough to distract my mind from the recent events.

As I drink my juice, I suddenly have a childhood flashback.

As I walk back from the store, I notice a small boy following me closely, clearly trying to get my attention. I recognize him as someone from my third grade class, and his persistent staring starts to annoy me.

"Hey, you. umm... Hiro-chin?" I say.

The boy perks up at the sound of his name, clearly surprised that I've noticed him. "Y-yeah? That's me."

"Stop following me, your mom's gonna be worried." I say.

The boy looks a bit crestfallen at my words, clearly disappointed that I want him to stop following me. "But... but I just wanted to talk to you."

"There's a lot of dangerous people around here, someone like you hiro-chin would get killed right away." I say.

The boy's face turns pale as he hears my ominous warning. He looks around nervously, suddenly aware of the potential danger around us. "W-what do you mean? There are dangerous people?"

"See... If you get it, then hurry up and go home." I say.

The boy nods quickly, still looking a bit shaken up. "Okay... I'll go home."

He starts to walk away, but then turns back to me for a moment. "Wait, can I ask you something before I go?"

"What?" I say.

The boy pauses for a moment, as if debating whether or not to ask me something important. Then he finally speaks up. "How come you're not scared? You said there are dangerous people around here... but you don't look scared at all."

"Well, I live around here so it's normal." I say.

The boy's eyes widen in surprise at my casual response. "You live around here? But it's so dangerous. Aren't you scared of getting hurt or something?"

"I basically know everyone..." I say, as I drink my drink.

The boy seems impressed by my claim that I know everyone in the area. "Really? You know everyone? That's so cool. I'm kind of jealous."

"Okay, hiro-chin." I say.

The boy looks a bit bashful at the nickname, but he nods in acknowledgment. "Okay, yeah. I'll go home now."

He turns to leave, but then pauses for a moment. "Hey, can I ask you one more thing?"

"Whaaat?" I say.

The boy takes a deep breath, as if trying to psych himself up to ask me something important. Then he finally speaks up. "Can I... Can I be your friend?"

"Sure, if you want." I say.

The boy's face lights up with excitement at my response. "Really? You'll be my friend?"

"What? Are you a loner or something?" I say.

The boy looks a bit sheepish at my question. "Well, yeah. Kind of. I don't really have any friends. No one really talks to me at school either."

"Okay, hiro-chin." I say.

Back to the present

As I finish recalling the memory, I'm filled with a mix of nostalgia and sadness. It's been a long time since I'd thought about my days in third grade, and the memory of that shy, lonely boy still fills me with a sense of sympathy.

As I'm lost in thought, I suddenly hear a voice next to me. "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

I turn to see a familiar face standing beside me, and I realize it's the same boy from my flashback.

"Hiro-chin..." I say.

The boy grins at me, his eyes shining with recognition. "Yeah, it's me. You remember me, right?"

"You literally sit right next to me." I say.

The boy let out a sheepish laugh, clearly embarrassed by my comment. "Oh, yeah. I guess I do."

There's a moment of silence as we stand there together, simply taking in each other's presence. It feels surreal to see this boy who I once knew as a shy and lonely third grader standing next to me now, all grown up.

"So, are your parents still mad about you transforming into a girl?" I say.

The boy's expression shifts immediately at my question. "Oh, yeah... They're still pretty upset about that. They're embarrassed and confused more than anything though."

"Right..." I say.

The boy sighs heavily, clearly frustrated by his parents' reaction to his transformation. "They just don't understand. They think it's some kind of joke or something. They don't get it."

"Well, I don't really care." I say.

The boy looks at me quizzically, clearly surprised by my nonchalant attitude. "What do you mean? Don't you think it's kind of weird that I transformed into a girl?"

"You do you, I guess." I say.

The boy nods slowly, still a bit taken aback by my blasé attitude. "Thanks, I guess. It's just... hard when your own parents can't accept you."

There's a moment of silence between us as we both take a moment to collect our thoughts. I can see the pain and confusion in the boy's eyes, and I can't help but feel a little bit protective of him.

As I'm lost in thought, suddenly I'm knocked off my feet by a powerful force, sending me flying backwards. When I regain my bearings and look up, I see a figure moving rapidly through the sky, and I realize that it's a star! As the star continues on its path, it suddenly veers off course and collides with me, hitting me straight in the face.

Despite the fact that the star should have caused immediate death, I find that I'm still alive and unharmed. It's a strange and surreal feeling, and I wonder if my ability to manipulate concepts has somehow protected me from harm.

I get up slowly, feeling a little dazed and confused but otherwise unharmed. I can hear the gasps and murmurs of onlookers around me, and I realize that witnessing someone getting hit by a star and then standing up like nothing happened was quite the sight.

Even though I have removed the concept of my own death, there is always a lingering sense of vulnerability. I know that there might be beings in this world who are powerful enough to kill me, and I am not invincible.

I look up again and see the figure who hit me with the star now flying closer to where I stand. I can see their features more clearly now, revealing that they are a young man with spiky hair and a serious expression.

The man lands in a graceful descent, his feet touching the ground with a slight thump. He looks me up and down for a moment, as if assessing my appearance and power.

"I am sorry for hitting you with a star," the man says, his voice laced with a hint of regret. "It was not my intention, but I didn't expect you to be still alive."

"Okay, just don't do it again." I say.

The man nods in acknowledgment, a trace of a smile on his lips. "I won't. But if I may ask, how did you survive that hit? No ordinary person could withstand the impact of a star."

"Literally everyone has powers, though." I say

The man's expression turns into one of surprise as he processes my words. "Powers? Everyone has powers? Are you saying that you have powers as well?"

"Yeah, even dogs." I say.

The man seems dumbfounded by my statement, unable to comprehend the idea that everyone and even animals have powers. "Wait, wait... dogs have powers? How is that even possible?"

The man nods slowly, looking a little sheepish. "Yes, I am from a different world. In my world, only a select few possess powers, and they are considered extremely rare. That's why I'm so surprised to hear that everyone here has powers."

"Oh, is that right? die." I say.

The man's eyes widen in shock as my single word "die" takes effect. With no time to react, he falls dead to the ground, the life gone from his body. There is a moment of stunned silence as everyone around us takes it in, before they all run away in fear or shock.