Arrival to Capitol City of Ardia

Axelle and Quinton dash outside the train to see where the problem is.


Screams are heard near the front of the train. Some passengers ran away towards the other train cars others to the nearby forest. 

"There near the front of the train," Quinton points out. 

A group of trolls seem to block the pathway of the train. Around two dozen are seen rocking and hitting the main cart. These trolls were humanlike except for their unusual build of having tough legs, hunched posture, and abnormal green skin color. They carried wooden clubs the size of 2 watermelons with varying heights and sizes. 

"I'll go on ahead and attack them up close," Axelle says as he darted toward the group of trolls. Leaving a gust of wind in his tracks.

"Wai-" Quinton couldn't finish his sentence as Axelle had already gone full force.

He jumps into the air with no remorse. His father's sword is above his head. Being overtaken by bright fiery flames.


Whilst in the air Axelle swings his fiery blade to the right creating a scatter of flames to go in multiple directions in front of him creating a sea of flames reigning from above.

The trolls get submerged within these flames burning away. He quickly looks at the blade his father gave him. "This works perfectly slightly taller blade than my previous but I can work with it. Thank you, Father"

"Okay I'll just provide some backup" Quinton closes his left eye and extends his right hand creating a three using his ring, middle, and pointer finger pointing directly at the group. Using his arm like a sniper rifle.

Distracted a couple of trolls look to have avoided the flames and jolt forward.

Axelle readied this sword as he expected this "Attempting to surprise me not going-"


Lime Green 1 mm shots shoot the trolls from afar in quick succession. 

"Very impressive Axelle" Quinton slowly walks forward wiping the frames of his glasses with a cloth. Quickly glancing at the bodies of the scorched trolls a burnt smell encapsulates the area.

"Such speed and destructive flames. This is indeed a Heavenly Mage candidate. Although-" Quinton speaks to himself. 

"Quinton I had those guys down for the count I predicted no expected some not to be caught up in those flames," Axelle says with confidence as he puts away his blade.

"Didnt want you to to steal the show" Quinton playfully responds. "His arrogance. No, I mean confidence and his impulsive behavior may be his weakness," he thinks to himself.

The conductor of the train comes running out. 

"I wanna thank you both for taking those trolls out. There been an increase of them these past days"

"Really" Axelle surprised. "That's odd. These trolls aren't supposed to be out right now they usually come out during the fall." Quinton adds.

"Right, it's the beginning of the new year. We had just finished the cold season. Is it possible that something woke them up?"

"It could be something or someone. Or is the planet finally getting warmer? Who knows" Quinton suggests. 

"Yeah shouldn't give that much thought into it"

"Anyways thank you so much again and sorry for that we'll begin moving towards Ardia in a couple of moments"

"Thank you, conductor," the two boys say in unison. 

Axelle and Quinton head back to the train.




They met with a standing ovation from the passengers on board moving along to their seats. 

"I had this thought, Quinton"

"What is it?"

"Since the conductor did say that these monsters have been appearing do you think the other trains may be delayed?"

"Glad you brought that up. It's quite possible"

The two sit and ponder as the train continues to move. 


Outskirts of Cassadora East

More than two dozen wolves lay lifeless on the floor. Ambrose stands amongst the corpses of the wolves longsword in hand.

"Thank you, Sir Ambrose" the train conductor speaks. 

"It is alright as long as the people on board are safe." Ambrose smiles in response. 


The train finally exits the sea of green as it now shows a city with a castle towards the mountain.

"Is that it?" Axelle says.

"Yup there it is the Capital city of Ardia the home of the Le Fluer family and Ardian Magic Academy"

"Ardia and Ardian why the difference in names?" Axelle asks. 

"Ardia was the youngest in the Le Fleur Family at the time she was given the honor of having this Capital city named after her. As for Ardian, he was the older child, he was the First Headmaster of Ardian Magic hence the name"

"I see so the Le Fluer family founded Cassadora?" Axelle questions. 

"Not really found but given that spot by the Emperor who is also a Le Fleur. I cannot see if there was favoritism there. But as you may heard the current Emperor wasn't part of the four royal families. He was just a man who suddenly gained power through political and social standings that beat out the four Royal Families."

"So there are many individuals out there striving to become that?"

"Indeed is that what you're tryna to accomplish?" Quinton asks the question once more. 

Axelle thinks in deep thought "I guess you can say that or someone that you can depend on" as he holds his necklace. 

Quinton smiles as he quickly looks at the necklace and looks outside the window "I see"


The train arrives at the Ardia Train Station.

"Time to go. That little delay got us here a tad bit later but at least it's still when the sun is out."

"You are correct"

"Wow this is Ardia," Axelle says. 

A very beautiful city with cobblestone grounds. Its beauty is complemented by the backdrop of a gentle mountain, which has helped mold the city into what it is today.

The wealth given by these mountains was significant, but they also had an impact on architectural styles, as the vast majority of buildings resembled the mountains' broad slopes and towering peaks. 

"Amazing sight" Quinton adds. "Not only is the architecture good but the diverse set of foods and things you can do in this city is amazing. It is not only the most successful city but the region as well among the four."

The two continue to walk towards the inner part of Ardia.

Axelle looks up into the sky. "Woah the heck is that"

"Oh that is the Empreors Palace a few days ago he arrived here to have a meeting that's what the emissary owls put out"

"Oh that's right the only time I didn't bother to read the news"

"It's alright"


"What is that?" Axelle points out Slim Figure with black hair He wears an oversized costume typical of whiteface clowns, complete with a ruffled collar. Each section of his costume has a card on it his right sleeve has the Ace of Spades, his left sleeve has the Queen of Hearts, his right leg has the King of Clubs, and his left leg has Jack of Diamonds. With the cards 10 and Joker being spread throughout the costume. With the numbers 4,6,7, and 13 written in small text under his left eye. 

"Oh that's just a Jester he is just there to greet people into Ardia."

The two walk past him with a smile.

Axelle stares at the Jester as he continues to smile at him. "Welcome to Ardia he says" with a playful voice.

"T-thank you"

"What you aren't scared out are you?" Quinton points out. 

"No just never seen one before"

"Understandable they used to scare me when I was younger but I grew accustomed to them. In actuality, there were just mages dressed up in that costume and they were not there to scare us but to make us laugh in such. "


"It wasn't so funny when I accidentally shocked one" Quinton laughs.

The two then arrive at a Crosspoint.

"So where are you headed Axelle."

"South part of this city"

"Am headed north. Too met with my friend you're free to join us"

"It's alright I gotta get my tavern situation situated and I am bit tired"

"Understabale that was an interesting ride. Well I guess this is where we part for now"

"Yeah thank you for accompanying me and teaching me about this city"

"No worries, I shall see you tomorrow at the Entrance Exam. Rest up it's good that the delay wasn't that long too arriving late at night in this city would be challenging."

Axelle laughs "Yes especially if they're coming from somewhere a little farther"


"Goodbye Quinton"

"Goodbye Axelle" 

The two shake hands and part ways.

"Axelle" Quinton calls out.

"Next time we see each other we may have to face one another."

"Got it I'll keep that in mind"

Axelle continues down south to the Tavern his father told him about.


Region of Polaris

Port City of Fallenport

"Huhhhh! What do you mean we won't make it to Ardia until midnight?!" a girl with two braided pigtails on her long, dark blue hair dark blue eyes, and an average body with a plump rear. Wearing a small pouch around her waist beige, a basic dress with two wavy stripes. of blue and white colors that end in little pointy edges at the bottom. Loudly complains. 

[Novice Mage: Kate Boyd]

"Am sorry ma'am but the train suddenly broke down. The repair crew is currently working hard to fix it"

"Is there a way to make them work faster? We have to get to the Ardian entrance exams tomorrow. Do you know who I have with me here she is one of the Heavenly Mage candidates-" An arm gets put around her waist as she pulls away.

"Kate it's okay we'll be fine at least we're going to be there before the afternoon time. Sir, are there any other trains we could take?" Bri reasoned with the worker. 

"No sorry"

"It's okay thank you," Bri says with a kind smile as she escorts Kate back to the benches.




Kate continuously taps her feet with her arms crossed "Uhh, we should've done the same thing as Clarise and Clara and left earlier" as she puts her hands on her face. 

"It's alright besides they have special requests due to who they are,. We'll get there eventually " Bri says as she holds her pouch with a smile. 

"What's this still thinking about Axelle" Kate teases her.

"N no nooo of course not" waving her hands and shaking her head in disagreement. 

"Uh huh well your face is flush red and also your ears. And your reaction and-"

"Ok ok you can stop"

"You really like him don't you?" Kate asks.


"How long has it been since you last seen him? 7-8"

"10 years"

"What are you going to say to him when you see him again? How are going to act?"

"Umm am not too sure. Well, you can't be acting the way you are. You have to play it cool play it mature. Show him you aren't the same kid you were back then show him that you've grown Bri. Your mastery in your water magic has become excellent"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah trust me who wouldn't want a girlfriend as strong as them"

"Alright thanks, Kate"

"You welcome all they need to do now is hurry it up"

Bri chuckles.

"Tomorrow," Bri says.